R387 Broke my timeline animations :?

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From the Asset Store
3 pixel charaters with over 8 animations each + animations with a gun
  • Hello!

    I've noticed my animated characters look broken in the new R387 update but worked fine on r379.

    Affected Assets seems to be mirrored ones X:-100

    When I play the animations in the timeline they seems fine, but in playtime something is off.

    I will atach a video of the issue:

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  • In r380 there was one change to fix another issue which might be causing this problem. Since we are getting close to a stable release, I think I will be reverting that change.

    Can you share a minimal project the reproduces your problem?

  • Hi otomecha, in the end were you able to solve the timeline problem when you drag the character that caused the animations to go crazy?

  • In r380 there was one change to fix another issue which might be causing this problem. Since we are getting close to a stable release, I think I will be reverting that change.

    Can you share a minimal project the reproduces your problem?

    Yes, I shared by mail :)

  • Hi otomecha, in the end were you able to solve the timeline problem when you drag the character that caused the animations to go crazy?

    Yes! For them to work I needed to always add the same amount of instances in all the timelines (regardless if I'm animating them or not) When I had different amount of instances they went crazy :) Hope it helps!!

  • It's bizarre, one of these days I have to test it!!

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  • The change I was suspecting caused the problem... was the culprit. It was an attempt to fix github.com/Scirra/Construct-bugs/issues/7261. Even though the fix is quite comprehensive when it comes to tweens with mirrored and flipped instances in a hierarchy, it completely misses timelines.

    Our aim is to avoid regressions in stable releases, so that change will be reverted for the stable and will try again in the next beta cycle to get everything working properly.

  • The change I was suspecting caused the problem... was the culprit. It was an attempt to fix github.com/Scirra/Construct-bugs/issues/7261. Even though the fix is quite comprehensive when it comes to tweens with mirrored and flipped instances in a hierarchy, it completely misses timelines.

    Our aim is to avoid regressions in stable releases, so that change will be reverted for the stable and will try again in the next beta cycle to get everything working properly.

    Thank you :) I will wait for it then

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