Problems with the construct projects in browser

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  • Hello, I'm having problems regarding loading files from contruct in chrome, the download of audios and some files is being blocked by the Browser itself since the last update. Apparently the problem is in the browser, since with the remote preview link and on my internal server the game works normally.

    Is anyone going through the same thing or think you can help me please?

  • Chrome is becoming a pain in the arse!

    Some of the C3 demos on the editor's demo page, don't show up. Other show up, but won't load, but only in Chrome. They show up in FireFox just fine. There is a terrible lag from time to time, but only in the chrome browser.

    Chrome holds a lot in cache, sometimes if I clear the cache everything clears up, but then of course, I need to login to everything again.

    However, FF loads and runs sooo slow, I can't take it. So I keep using Chrome.

    I know that doesn't help, but at least you know you're not alone.

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  • Everything has been working fine for me. It's difficult to help without more information, but check your Internet connection is working properly, and try disabling any browser extensions in case they are interfering somehow.

  • Ashley,

    It's not C3, it's Chrome.

    I have the same issues with C3 in Chrome on 2 Windows laptops and a Chromebook.

    (I even have issues with Google products in the Chrome browser)

    The problems I have in C3 with Chrome are:

    When I go to the editor's template/demo page, some of the demos don't show up.

    Also, when I open an HTML game that I've made with C3 sometimes game features don't work, usually newly added features don't work, but sometimes even features that had been working are an issue.

    Typically clearing the cache will clear up the issue, but sometimes clearing the cache and a reboot is required. I disabled all the browser extensions and even removed them at one point, with no change.

    And again, when I'm having these issues, everything works just ducky in Firefox and Opera. And it's not only C3. I have similar issues with websites that I've built. I think I'll be moving back to Firefox while Chrome figures out its issues.

  • I don't have much input, but I always use Chrome for C3, and I am not experiencing any issues you describe. I use regular Chrome, no extensions at all.

    You could try other chromium-based browsers, such as Edge or Brave? It's so strange how Firefox works just fine for you. Hmm...

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