GDevelop VS Construct

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  • Hi guys!

    I know there have been threads on this before but they were old and Game Develop has grown since then, I know Construct is the best option for me (UI/UX, plugins, Forum, etc.) but I want to make sure!

    Why Game Develop is not better than Construct ?!



    I want anyone with an opinion to participate in the discussion without prejudice

    Thank you all!

  • To be honest, I check out Gdevelop every now and then, and the same opinion pops up in my mind each time I give it a try:

    Clunky/Busy UI - too many options displayed when you're creating events and such, just feels a bit too all over the place. Maybe it's a learning curve thing.

    The other thing - I always try to add a text object to set it to the current FPS. In construct, you'd simply add a text object, and then the action "set text to: fps", done.

    In gdevelop, I never figured out how to find the equivalent of "fps" in expressions - maybe I'm an idiot but it seemed so intuitive to find within construct (construct had all math/system/time related things in the "System" object).

  • The only feature GDevelop has over Construct is easier integration of Kerning/Spacing Date of Spritefonts... Construct's JSON thing is just not a standard at all and no Spritefont app out there supports that except the one floating on the forum that is Windows-only and buggy and can't export aliased fonts in the latest version.

    Been urging for literally years to get that fixed with whatever means necessary but it takes me literal days to set up Spritefonts in Construct.

  • Thanks for your answers!

    If possible, write the message with this template:

    I choose ... because:


    And thank you, if anyone knows about performance, tell me!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Sure!

    I choose Construct 3 because:

    The event sheet editor

    Lol there's other reasons too but it could be argued that Gdevelop have similar aspects.

    I like how close Scirra interacts with the community and I do think they are very passionate and knowledgeable.

    I like the multiplayer plugin, which for some reason gets a lot of hate, but it works extremely well and easy to use.

    I like the way construct 3 feels UI-wise and the structure.

    Performance comparisons would be interesting, but I wouldn't have expected too much difference between construct 3 and gdevelop, maybe in certain areas but there'd be a more dramatic different when comparing one of these engines to something else. Scirra have had an opportunity to reinvent their runtime engine after making construct 2, so I assume they have designed construct 3 with performance and efficiency as top priority.

  • Sure!

    I choose Construct 3 because:

    The event sheet editor

    Lol there's other reasons too but it could be argued that Gdevelop have similar aspects.

    I like how close Scirra interacts with the community and I do think they are very passionate and knowledgeable.

    I like the multiplayer plugin, which for some reason gets a lot of hate, but it works extremely well and easy to use.

    I like the way construct 3 feels UI-wise and the structure.

    Performance comparisons would be interesting, but I wouldn't have expected too much difference between construct 3 and gdevelop, maybe in certain areas but there'd be a more dramatic different when comparing one of these engines to something else. Scirra have had an opportunity to reinvent their runtime engine after making construct 2, so I assume they have designed construct 3 with performance and efficiency as top priority.

    Thanks again!

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