[Discord] Construct Community - Open Discussions & Tips

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • What is the Construct Community about?

    The Construct Community is a free Discord server for game developers and those interested in getting started. Mainly but not exclusively about Construct Classic, Construct 2 and Construct 3.

    (Discord itself is like an IRC Client and Teamspeak combined, with a modern interface.)

    Why should I join the Construct Community?

    ► Friendly & Helpful Community

    There is always someone around to provide help or have a conversation with.

    ► Multiple text & voice channels

    We offer a variety of text channels. Voice channels are also available for verbal conversations.

    ► Personalize with custom Roles

    Pick roles and personalize the way you like. Custom roles can be added or removed at any time.

    ► Instantly share media and files

    All members can upload media and files. Making sharing easy and fast.

    ► An alternative; not a replacement

    The forum is and will always be a part of our overall experience.

    How can I join the Construct Community?

    ✱✱✱ Join the Construct Community ➚ ✱✱✱

    *Please note that this Discord server is not official and run by community members!


  • Due to increased amount of users and more, we have upgraded our server to Nitro boost level 2.

    This includes 1080p 60fps streaming, 50MB file uploads, 256Kbps audio quality and more.. FOR ALL USERS on the server.

    Happy Easter to everyone and thank you Scirra staff for supporting us! :)

  • Bumpy Bump.

    Come and join us people! We support other languages as well with chats dedicated to multilangual people. We are also nearing 2000 developers, artists and gamers in our discord where we share our games, thoughts and more!

  • Deleted by Tom

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • eleanorjmorel please don't post content not suitable for all ages. The Discord is an unofficial sever off our site and we're not responsible for content posted on there

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