How do I make my save slots work?

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Template for a slots game, fully documented in comments and video
  • Hi everyone, thx in advance for any help.

    I made this code below to create 2 save slots with a "delete" button:

    I have one sprite with 2 frames (one for "empty" slot and one for "used" slot) for the slots and one sprite for the delete button which I made a duplicate so I have 2 slots. I put an instace variable in each one of the duplicates for identifying with slot is being clicked and create the save file, u can see in use in the code above....

    The problem is the two slots seens to have being interacting with each other. If i start the game, save in slot 1 and try to delete that save, I have to click in the delete sprite than click in the slot again to it change to the "empty" frame; sometimes if u delete just one save the two slots change to "empty" frame; sometimes I need to click on delete in the second slot to delete the first; sometimes when theres a save in one and the other is empty, when i try to load one it changes to "empty" and the other changes from "empty" to "used" and a lot of other weird interactions.

    Seens that I missed something when I used the "local storage" plugin or the "str" function, but I cant see where...


  • Why are you loading on the save logic? Why are you using both local storage and save slots, just using the system save slots 1 and 2 should be enough, I don't understand the inclusion of the local storage items here.

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  • Why are you loading on the save logic? Why are you using both local storage and save slots, just using the system save slots 1 and 2 should be enough, I don't understand the inclusion of the local storage items here.

    The "localstorage" plugin is so player can delete the save data without clearing browser cookies and can delete just one save and not both.

    I used the save logic to create the file I want to store in local storage, then I use "set item" to store the save that file. Is it wrong the way I did?

  • When you use system save that is enough to save the state of the game to a slot. Local storage you use to save individual data like a key or variable.

  • But without localstorage plugin how can I delete a savegame and let the other intact? I remember reading something about the only way to delete the saves the game make is clearing browser cookies...

    Anyway, and that weird interactions between the two frames? could it be due to that "localstorage" plugin bad handling?

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