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Hi Construct community! I've been looking for a information on how to do this and I can't find it. Based on what I know of the tools, I know it can be done; I j...

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I am trying to figure out how can I make a grappling hook swing. At the moment I'm using a Sine attribute. This works fine when I make the magnitude = angle fro...

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I am currently working on a platformer and the goal is to have a rope swing that looks like this: I was able to code the casting of the rope already, but everyt...

posted 2 years ago
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how do I grapple with my characters arm?
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My .Cp3. I would like to use the arm that is already functioning to grab and hit enemies to grapple, but it's so specific I wasn't able to find anything online....

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Swinging momentum style grappling hook
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I'm trying to replicate and make an identical grappling hook just like the one from the video attached from a Terraria mod called overhaul. I've been working at...

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