Pitch Shifter and Frequency Analyzer

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  • I've been searching for a "proper" way to alter the pitch of an audio in Construct 3 for a long time. Using the playback rate doesn't allow for precise pitch shifting. Playing audio at 0.5 speed with a sinusoidal wave at 440Hz doesn't generate a sound at 220Hz. I tried using Tone.Js and the result is definitely better, but it involves a considerable programming difficulty. Is there a plugin like Advanced Audio or something similar?

    Another issue is the Frequency Analyzer. There should be a variable to calculate the frequency, but it doesn't give me the results I expect. Again, Tone.js can handle it, but the problem remains the same as the previous case; it becomes complex to easily integrate everything.

    Any advice?

  • What is Tone.js?

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  • i'm actually looking into the same question to do a generative music thing. i haven't really started on it though (so much else to do lol) so i have nothing constructive, but when i do i'd love to compare notes, or hear if you were able to make any headway on this. i'm actually surprised to hear that playing audio at reduced speed wouldn't correctly shift the pitch, which is bad news for me because i thought the math would be relatively straightforward--makes me wonder if something else is happening though?


    searching tone.js comes up here: tonejs.github.io i like your cat pic

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