Simple Team Collaboration

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  • Hey there. I'm helping with a game dev camp for 8 to 17 year old kids.

    We're trying to streamline the learning process by avoiding source control like Git, but would still like to offer the kids the possibility of team projects.

    What's the best way for small teams of 2 or 3 to share layouts or objects without using source control? Or is this possible at all without source control of some sort?

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  • Collaboration is a technically very complicated thing, as it is easy for people working simultaneously to make conflicting changes. Something like Git is probably a necessary tool to manage collaboration.

    An alternative approach is to avoid multiple people working on the same Construct project. For example one person could be the game artist producing all the sprites and backgrounds, and another person could import that to Construct and build the project. Then you don't need to handle the possibility of conflicting changes in the same Construct project.

  • Set up a layout as an object repository, and then have them work on individual event sheets and include/remove them from the main event sheet as needed to avoid conflict, or use groups and activate/deactivate as needed.

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