Headbang Games
Play the Beta DEMO
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Chapter 4 alpha is done - Week #107
Chapter 4 the end is near - Weeks 54-106
Chapter 4 begins - Week #53
Chapter 3 releasing in 2 days - Week #52
Chapter 3 almost done - Week #51
Chapter 3 WIP - Weeks 43-50
Chapter 2 alpha - Weeks 39-42
Yikes, time flies by - Weeks 34-38
Sea people and a monkey - Week #33
The sea, a map and a lighthouse - Week #32
Puzzling - Week #31
Fall - Week #30
Saving Mikey - Week #29
5K demo D/Ls - Week #28
Steaming demo - Week #27
Last days of polish - Week #26
The final puzzle - Week #25
LIVE on Steam - Week #24
Mikey got a voice - Week #23
Daydreaming, axe shredding - Week #22
Trailer, promo, theme music - Week #21
Pressing matters - Week #20
Lost in translation - Week #19
The inventory conundrum - Week #18
The end of the Alpha - Week #17
Getting them scenes done - Week #16
Back to the back...grounds - Week #15
The intro - Week #14
Wax on, wax off - Week #13
Feedback, polish and this blog - Week #12
The week of the alpha - Week #11
The final scene - Week #10
The race for the alpha continues - Week #9
Preparing for alpha - Week #8
A busy week - Week #7
Gameplay - Week #6
Character work - Week #5
Mikey and his place - Week #4
More of everything - Week #3
Is it a game? - Week #2
Getting started - Week #1