Reviews Overview
5 star
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1 star
75 high quality sound effects. This sound effect pack is packed with a mix of monster and creature sounds including real animals and fantasy creatures and a mix of attack, move, and death/kill noises, from zombie bites to dog barks and human death groans.
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Sheeky's Monsters Sounds:
FleshCut, FleshHit1, FleshHit2, FleshHit3, FleshHit4, FleshSplat, FleshStabbed, ZombieRoar, ZombieGrag, ZombieAttack, ZombieDeath, ZombieGrowl, ZombieMumble, ZombieSalivate, DemonAttack, DemonGrowl, SnakeAttack, SnakeMove, SnakeHit, SlimeAttack, SlimeDeath, SlimeHit, SlimeMove1, SlimeMove2, SpiderAttack, SlugAttack, SlugMove, VampireHiss, VampireSpit, VampireCry, JellyAttack, JellyDeath, JellyWalk, RatAttack, RatHit, RatDeath, RatPain, BatSqueak, BatScream, BatBite, CatMeow1, CatMeow2, Moo, Crickets, DogBark, DuckyCluck, DuckyGiveItHere, DuckyHello, DuckyHit, DuckyOuch, GigAw, GigHoar, GigProko, GigWarHor, GoatBleat, HonkNo, HonkOkay, HonkOuch, HonkYes, WarbHello, WarbFlutter, WarbHungry, WarbNice, WarbNo, WarbTalk, WarbYes, Fish, FishBlob, CrowBuzz, CrowBuzzMute, CrowBuzzShort, GroanDead, GroanPain, GroanDeadAgain, GroanUgh.
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