Fill The Bucket

"Nugget Collector" is a fun and engaging puzzle game where players must skillfully collect nuggets.

"Nugget Collector" is a fun and engaging puzzle game where players must skillfully collect nuggets.

  • $10 USD

    One copy of this game & source for a single user

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    Released: 19 Aug, 2024

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Reviews Overview

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"Nugget Collector" is a fun and engaging puzzle game where players must skillfully collect nuggets that fall from above into a bucket. The game is set against a charming wooden backdrop that gives it a rustic and cozy feel. As nuggets fall, players must draw paths to guide them into the bucket while avoiding obstacles and ensuring none of the nuggets are lost. The game challenges players with increasingly difficult levels that test their precision, timing, and problem-solving skills. With its cute graphics and intuitive gameplay, "Nugget Collector" is perfect for casual gamers of all ages.

  • License
  • Compatibility
    Construct 3
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  • Latest Version
  • Latest Release Date
    19 Aug, 2024

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