JaredNDumont's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thank you very much, it works perfectly

  • Hi there I have a question about swipe controls. i am working on a lawn mowing game and i have swipe controls working but not in the manner i want them to. there is a lawn mowing on the apple appstore called just mowing. In just moving if you swipe up then the player move up but you dont have to keep your finger on the screen just one swipe up make the player move.


  • that is what im saying. just to make sure it wasnt my device i had my wife and my mother in law try it on their iphones and yet again when i close the browser the sava data is no longer there.

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  • sorry about the confussion, i wrote that on my phone. so local storage works on all browser but ios browser. when i play the game on my iphone it works only when i close the tab. when i actually close the browser from recent apps the local storage doesnt work anymore. I tested the game on safari, google app, and google chrome

  • Hi there, I am fairly new to construct 3 but I have used gamemaker for years. One of the projects I am working on is a flappy bird clone and since Apple doesn’t like flappy clones they won’t let my post it on AppStore. So to make the game mobile friendly I am using local storage to save the high score. Since my intention is for user to play on mobile browser I thought local storage was gonna work. When I am in the editor it works fine wether I am working on it on my phone or Mac. But when I play the game in itch it seems to work fine until I clear the browser from recent apps(kill the browser) but when I run it saves and I clear the tab it also works. It only doesn’t work when I clear the browser from recent apps. Note I have not tested this on android only ios

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Member since 26 May, 2021

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