Everade's Recent Forum Activity

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  • Many of them have been reported countless times.

    1. Can't navigate to any page number within the Tutorials section for languages other than "English". It will always forward you to the english section using the paginator. (Sets flang=X back to 0)
    2. The main sub-link filters in the tutorials section don't return any results if a language filter is set to something other than "0" english. Example: https://www.construct.net/en/tutorials/construct-3?flang=9
    3. The "Report this tutorial" link, displays the menu selector behind the Footer. So for short tutorial pages, it's not possible to submit a report. Example: https://www.construct.net/en/tutorials/parallaxeneffekt-with-ebenen-1565 Has also been reported here and here and here.
    4. Asset Store Bundle image previews are glitching out when hovering over them with your cursor. (Chrome) https://www.construct.net/en/game-assets/bundles
    5. "Label" on the suggestion platform can be used in the Text Editor, but they are not displayed when viewing the suggestion. I've reported it already to "Aha!", but it could possibly a custom branding from you guys?! Example in which i used the default grey "Label" multiple times: https://construct3-21h2.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C321H2-I-328
    6. Construct Addons page doesn't filter properly. If you remove "Show paid addons" no results will be shown. https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/addons?products=2&q=&cats=1%2C2%2C3%2C4&sp=0&sb=0&sd=0&sort=5&page=1
    7. "Undelete" a deleted post within the forums doesn't work.
    8. Changing an up/down-vote is inconsistent and doesn't work in all cases.
    9. Asset Store sale mails always contain a wrong x% off value. It never matches the actual sale price currently being offered.
    10. Addon Search function doesn't work properly. It is case sensitive, and somehow doesn't always return matches if the full word isn't written out. "normalmap" is a great example, there are 3 different C3 Normal Map addons available, but it's really hard to find all of them by using the search function.
  • I've created 4 ideas in total, and i'm already out of vote points for my own ideas. Unfortunately, i can't support any other ideas due to the lack of vote points. There are many great suggestions i would love to support.

    The 2 most important to me being:

    Multiplayer: Sync Interest Management


    3D Camera Viewport


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  • You are not supposed to associate a weapon as a peer.

    Only use the Multiplayer->Associate on the object (character) the players are controlling.


    "On Peer Connected" triggers only for players connecting, but never for the Host itself.

    Also "Pick a random Spawn1 instance" doesn't do you any favor either.

    I guess i don't have to teach you what random means.

    There are several other issues though.

    I highly recommend to read the official tutorials or look at the examples before you continue.

  • Construct 3 has built-in physics behavior that works well in a 2D environment.

    You could also code your own physics, but the available behavior should fit perfectly fine for what you're looking for.


    Simply add the behavior to the mineral sprite, then you'll get access to all the physics actions and events.

  • It's important that every movement, that shall be framerate independent must use delta time accordingly.

    Wasn't able to run your example because of a missing plugin that you're using.

    But all answers to your questions have already been given. There's nothing else to say.


  • And also - will you work on any of the existing ideas during these 6 months?

    He just told you that they're not doing any long-term planning at all.

    They do whatever they want, so simply don't expect anything and wait for the patchnote gamble.

  • Ashley

    I think we're going in circles again...

    The main issue with Construct is, that there are:

    - No News

    - No Roadmap

    - Not a single glimpse into the future

    We only have changelogs to the latest patches, and that's it.

    But other than that, the entire community keeps on waiting for their own miracle, simply because there's no official information on anything future-related.

    The suggestion page is the closest the community ever got to future considerations.

    But we don't get any feedback there either.

    As such, your community is frustrated.

    Which is most likely an understatement.

    If so many people tell you something is wrong. Maybe consider it against your own will. That would be great for a change. I can only shake my head when i read your answers.

  • Please note that the official online multiplayer implementation of Construct 2 and 3 still has game breaking issues, yet the devs never bothered fixing them up. They really don't care about the multiplayer feature. I've given up asking for fixes after all those years which made me stop using Construct eventualy.

    Wouldn't recommend Construct if you're going for multiplayer at all.

    And if you still plan to do so, maybe try a multiplayer plugin instead.

    If it's just for prototyping and you don't care much about sync issues and objects going missing... sure, go for it.

  • Any chance that a feature can be added to "Send to peer" that instructs the host to process messages from itself (via loopback). Something like a check box on the "Send to peer" event that says "Process host originated messages to itself".

    Unless I'm missing something obvious...this causes a lot of redundant code between Peer and Host event groups that could be addressed in a common group if the host could be told to process it's own messages.

    Again...apologies if I'm missing something obvious.


    Not sure what you're trying to do.

    But i guess this suggestions could possibly solve your problem?!

    Has been one of the most popular suggestions since over 2 years, but scirra still doesn't bother.

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Member since 24 Jun, 2014

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