Everade's Recent Forum Activity

  • Photoshop was always light grey unless their latest releases which became more dark.

    Is there any option to change it's skin? From what i know in the older versions CS5 downwards... no. (no idea about newer versions)

    Not even such a big company which has the resources of doing so cares about things like being skinnable.

    As noted before, if it takes to much time to get this properly implemented into the new IDE, Ashley should completly drop it. Preference of a few developers shouldn't interfere with the development of the Software progress itself.

    If it's not a big job to do so, sure why not.

    At least, that's my opinion.

  • A lot of great suggestions.

    However the only one i want to bring up again is:

    - Disable Solid between selected objects only

    Normal Solids:

    Improved collision system so we can ignore/disable ~ collision/solids depending on picked objects.

    NOT GLOBAL ONLY as it is right now. Please let us finally pick with C3 so specific objects collide while at the same time others go through!

    Please keep that in mind in case you're touching anything related to it.

    Online collaborative editing of your game in real-time like heroengine, run arround in your gameworld with friends sticking "post-its" on everything that needs some work ...ahhh it was so mutch fun to work with

    I was working with such a feature using a MAP Editor.

    It was kinda awesome to work simultaneously with multiple developers on the same map.

    The development progress was way faster, and you were able to work truly together as all changes were live to look at.

    Would have been a great feature, but never going to make it into C3


    About all the "skinnable" which i was reading about through tons of topics over the past few months...


    Is it so important for you to have a colored/darker or black background?

    90% of all softwares have got a white background, so we're all used to it.

    If it's to bright for you at night, adjust your monitor. Or invert your screen colors if you can't live without it.

    Let Ashley focus on more important features and/or the re-design of the interface.

    Unless it doesn't take to much time to be implemented.

    Other than that it should be on the very bottom of any to-do list.

    I understand Ashley willing to implement Multi-Language Support, as he will be able to offer Construct to a wider audience.

    But skinnable is just a waste of time.

    If the skin of Construct is your only problem... /sigh

  • Just keep in mind that object Y position is always taken by it's initial Origin point.

    You can change the position of this point on the "edit animation" window.

    And here's the link for all Plugins created by rexrainbow:

    http://c2rexplugins.weebly.com/my-plugi ... ry-v2.html

    Using this tool you can simply double click on the plugins you want to install, and it will download them for you

  • there's a cool ZSorter Plugin from rexrainbow i think.

    With that plugin, you can create an event that does this automatically for you.

    So one event which then says:

    Sort all Objects in Layer "Main" by Y

    so depending of the Y (layout height) position of the player, his Z position on the layout will switch behind and in front of your stone.

  • I don't understand why you don't simply use the 8-way move behaviour?

    Here, i've made you an example.

    The stone is now also solid and is working as you've wished.

    The good thing about this behaviour is that you have access to several settings such as:

    Acceleration, Deceleration, Max Speed etc...

    So rather than coding this all on your own, you can simply change some settings instead.

    So here, check it out:

  • I can confirm this.

    But is it really a bug?

    It says it's a "Global setting"

    So i guess it simply counts for all instances, no matter what you're trying to pick.

    In your example... if you set the Y lower "higher in layout" than 220 (for example to 50)

    you will notice that collisions will be disabled for ALL 3 "Sprite"s.

    According to that i would guess it's working as intended.

    But if it's working as intended with the global setting.

    I would say that's quite a really strict action and rather useless.

  • Why don't you add them to the scirra store?

    By the way... really great art

  • i would first come up with the idea of the layout of your horror game.

    • story-telling with great art
    • dead space like but isometric
    • sidescroller
    • etc....

    or whatever

    something that brings the atmosphere you want to bring over to the point.

    depending on the layout you could also create some great jump scares.

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  • [quote:3ddrznsi]Filtering collisions and other interaction types.

    Me wants Nape in Construct 2 ~"grunts" ;:B

  • It took me a bit of headache hahah, but I think Ive nailed it now ... again, the power came from simplicity ...

    Weird really, every time I run into something that takes way too long to develop, I find myself adding tons of booleans, vars, objects and what not .... just to get 1 thing working lol

    Generally taking a step back and looking at it a day later helps enormously.

    I just got myself out of sync somehow.

    So there are new issues now ^^

    It seems like the floors of the players are messed up, because on the player1 screen i saw player2 driving through the walls without any issues.

    While player 2 was actually on the top of that floor, but i've got thrown out for some weird reason.

    So it's pretty messed up right now.

    I've had actually the exact same issues on my own engine, before we came in touch here

  • MultipleChoice

    Yes i've examined yours as well.

    But i haven't tried to implement your solution into my engine as of yet.

    Because lennaert s solution was pretty specific based on my current engine i've built.

    So it was way easier to get it implemented.

    I'm not planning to release my game on any smaller device, it's currently being developed for PC only.

    Also it is planned to support at least 4 player online co-op.

    So implementing your idea into my engine would basically require it to be completly rewritten.

    For sure i'm going to take a closer look at yours as well. In the end i'm simply searching for a solution that simply works and is stable without any further sneaky bugs like the current ones i have.

    If construct 2 would simply offer a more advanced solid system....

    So we could ignore specific objects to be ignored on specific solids. That would be the best solution i can think of.

    I've suggested it already and there were even some other developers who would be interested into it. But since the Construct 2 team is that small, i don't think that it's ever going to make into Construct. At least not Construct 2.

    No matter what, it seems like building a proper online multiplayer iso engine will take months if i'm heading forward with the same development speed. It's really a freaking pain.

    But i'm happy that i've recieved some great support from all of you guys.

    Thank you

  • Yea please let me know if you've got it to work.

    I'm on it the whole day already and all i've achieved is a big ass chaos.

    I even broke some of my stuff which was perfectly fine before ^^

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