Ahh yes, a fine user from 2021. This is 2023 right now. lol
2 months later...
Really nice game! I don't see how no one has given it an upvote but it's really cool!
How do you play on a computer?
I wish this was actually online.
You're welcome. : )
This is truly one of the trailers ever.
funni game
I got to level 21 and a score of 2157 before getting bored. But this is a really good game! Also nice music lol
This looks very nice! I really like the gameplay and artwork used!
Very nice, good job! I like the artwork used!
Brilliant! I love it!
Oh my god! This was a total masterpiece! Mario was so dank and so awesomely cool! The adventure was a bit difficult but I made it through! Everything was dank from the paper mario pixel sprite with the deal with it shades to the doge pokemon card to the ninja stars that were being shot out of the gun! So epic!
I actually enjoyed playing through this platformer! While short, you did a good job! Especially with the camera transitions and cutscenes! Good job! :D
You're welcome! :D
Member since 29 Oct, 2020