Um.. This game is not loading...
My high score for SOLO mode is 32 seconds. Also, this is a fun and great game to play whenever you are bored. Also, it is a great way to pass the time whenever I am bored!
The game is O.K.
Nice game! Very cool graphics and mechanics! And last of all, very enjoyable and can be downloaded on STEAM! Maybe you can make customizable avatars?
Hello Peace Of Cake Games! Why did you delete the online chat that you have created?
That chat room was very cool and now it's gone! What happened?
YO! I'ma just say this. I'm really upset right now. Why did you steal from someone?
Lol XD
I think this is Adult content because it is very ugly ngl. Sorry if i offend you but this is just gross.
It's ok I guess...
GG man..GG..
Hi. Next Time say AwesomeNinja.
Member since 29 Oct, 2020