Thank you for playing! I'm trying to get the 4th installment by June however this may be delayed because of finals coming up at my school.
I'm glad you like the game and you must have a life because you found someone to play with!
I wouldn't have ever thought of it without your help and I would hate to take ideas and claim them as my own.
That sounds fun I'll look into adding it and if I do end up adding it I'll make sure to give credit for the idea.
That's a great idea I could make that a mode in the second version! Do you have any ideas on what powerups you'd like to see?
Thanks for the feedback! The melee reload thing is a good suggestion and I thought about implementing it however it would bring up alot of balancing issues and the reload allows for some classes to get hits in. The dodge function would also be interesting unfortunately the way I made it(which was sloppy) a dodge system would be near impossible but I could look into a work around. If you have any further suggestions or ideas for new characters just tell me and I'll look into it. I'm always open to suggestions and tweaks and as always thanks for playing.
thats great I'm glad that someone enjoys this series
thank you this game took awhile to make and I'm glad that someone enjoyed it
new ship ideas:
sniper, faster bullets that do more damage and faster speed but shoots slower and has less health
cannon, shoots one big slow bullet that does a ton of damage but moves slower and has more health
machine gun, shoots faster but bullets do less damage and are a bit slower has less health
maybe add a question box that spawns randomly in the map as you play and will give you a random ship
Member since 20 Jul, 2020 Last online 4 Mar, 2025