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  • You could do it with a touch phone by creating a trigger sprite for each direction

    You would need 8 sprites one for each direction put in the shape of the joystick controls on screen and when that sprite is tap held it would act the same as a key press.

  • >

    > Oh good grief!'


    > The average game designer never sells any games and the whole reason most kids get a C2 version is to create a game like their favorite games and you are just crushing their creativity with scare tactics IMO.


    > You can claim the lawyer is correct and I can tell you it is a scare tactic and advertising for his services and looks like he has some paid shills on here?


    > I have been publishing content for over 10 years and I have many ebooks, songs, and games copyrighted with the US library of congress and occasionally I send out a DMCA notice so I guess I have as much experience as you and while you are certainly entitled to your opinion you are misinformed and spreading fear that will hurt C2 and game designers and crush creativity.


    > That is my opinion!


    I don't know this lawyer, have never spoken to this lawyer, and have my own legal counsel related to IP, copyright and trademark laws. If you think someone is a paid shill just because they have more experience with how the law functions in relation to IP, that's on you, and no one else.

    Your opinion is irrelevant. My opinion is irrelevant. What matters is how the law works (again, I'm speaking of US law), and you're wrong on that. The average "game designer" makes money designing games and needs to understand the legalities involved.

    Let me help you out:

    US Copyright laws

    Fair US law:

    Fair use is a US legal doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. ... Examples of fair use in United States copyright law include commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, and scholarship.

    I repeat:

    The average game designer never sells any games and the whole reason most kids get a C2 version is to create a game like their favorite games and you are just crushing their creativity with scare tactics IMO.

  • >

    > > You should check out what's needed to protect yourself legally, and see what the going rate is to have an expert help you with that sort of thing before you start saying stuff like "suppressing independent thought".

    > >

    > > That's what I think.

    > >


    > Yes all game designers and authors of any material to be published should be aware of and comply with copyright laws but what this attorney is doing is scare advertising in my opinion and hurts the independent game designers and suppresses creativity.


    > Some commercial games allow addons and fan games because it helps promote their games.


    > The big issue is with knock off games using ripped sprites and using a well known registered copyright and trademark in the title and you will find black market copies of Nintendo games all over usually produced in foreign countries and they do take that serious.


    > I just think the article is way over the top scare advertising and needs additional clarification as to what you can and can not do legally. Parody and using sprites in public domain or unique homemade sprites that RESEMBLE but are not copies of commercial sprites is legal and there are also fair use laws that apply.


    > If you want to create a unique plumber character that jumps through unique plumbing and kicks unique turtles and you make it clear it is parody it is extremely unlikely you would face any legal challenge but companies will try to scare you off and if you do receive a DMCA notice take your game down but ask for the exact sprites or assets they claim are being infringed and for the exact game or source of the infringement.


    > If they can't give you an exact source it is just a scare tactic. Make some changes and avoid close resemblance to a commercial game.


    This is completely wrong. Here's why.

    Oh good grief!'

    The average game designer never sells any games and the whole reason most kids get a C2 version is to create a game like their favorite games and you are just crushing their creativity with scare tactics IMO.

    You can claim the lawyer is correct and I can tell you it is a scare tactic and advertising for his services and looks like he has some paid shills on here?

    I have been publishing content for over 10 years and I have many ebooks, songs, and games copyrighted with the US library of congress and occasionally I send out a DMCA notice so I guess I have as much experience as you and while you are certainly entitled to your opinion you are misinformed and spreading fear that will hurt C2 and game designers and crush creativity.

    That is my opinion!

  • You should check out what's needed to protect yourself legally, and see what the going rate is to have an expert help you with that sort of thing before you start saying stuff like "suppressing independent thought".

    That's what I think.

    Yes all game designers and authors of any material to be published should be aware of and comply with copyright laws but what this attorney is doing is scare advertising in my opinion and hurts the independent game designers and suppresses creativity.

    Some commercial games allow addons and fan games because it helps promote their games.

    The big issue is with knock off games using ripped sprites and using a well known registered copyright and trademark in the title and you will find black market copies of Nintendo games all over usually produced in foreign countries and they do take that serious.

    I just think the article is way over the top scare advertising and needs additional clarification as to what you can and can not do legally. Parody and using sprites in public domain or unique homemade sprites that RESEMBLE but are not copies of commercial sprites is legal and there are also fair use laws that apply.

    If you want to create a unique plumber character that jumps through unique plumbing and kicks unique turtles and you make it clear it is parody it is extremely unlikely you would face any legal challenge but companies will try to scare you off and if you do receive a DMCA notice take your game down but ask for the exact sprites or assets they claim are being infringed and for the exact game or source of the infringement.

    If they can't give you an exact source it is just a scare tactic. Make some changes and avoid close resemblance to a commercial game.

  • Well then you may not be using the correct format.

    Make a text box on your layout inside the window.

    Make a global variable and call it NUMBER and make it = 1

    Make an event: On keyboard key pressed SET TEXT NUMBER

    Remove the quotation marks and quotation marks are only used for words and strings of text not variables.

    You might also check that your text box is at the top of your layer or it may just be hidden by some sprite above it.

    Added: Variable names are case sensitive so make sure you are using the exact variable name as defined. Number, NUMBER and number are not the same variable. You can click on the list and click your exact variable when you set the text which is a good habit to get in.

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  • Gamejolt recently got a notice from Nintendo for 562 "fan" games

    Never heard of the guy who created Mario and Sonic Adventures?

    His house was burned, his wife left with the kids, aliens kidnapped him and threw him into a black hole.

    Don't earn money with fan games.

    Yup and that is standard practice for any publisher that sees a name like Mario or Zelda or Pokimon being used in a title of a game to send a take down notice but that is a far stretch from being taken to court for copyright infringement.

    The reason they went after Gamejolt is there were game knock offs using ripped sprites from the actual games and not just a few games but hundreds. Gamejolt was making money by advertising on those games submitted as were some of the game designers.

    There is quite a difference in that and a person making a theme game using homemade or sprites in public domain and the lawyer wants you to think they will go after everyone to scare them in to using their services and that just prevents people from even thinking about designing games and suppresses independent game design.

    I don't recommend anyone use ripped sprites from any commercial game and using the name of a well know game in your title is sure to bring a DMCA notice.

    If it is a true fan game it uses parody and unique sprites or assets in public domain and is obviously not an attempt to copy any original game.

  • "Well, I wanted something cooler."

    You gave an example for a driving game in your OP and I gave you a simple solution but hey if that is not cool enough for you best of luck.

    That is why I LOL'd.

  • lamar

    i will try it on the ipad pro today and let you know how that goes.

    Thanks- I will get the scaling fixed some time tomorrow. It works great on my tablet and laptop but I have no way of testing it for phones but I know scaling to inner or outer should work on any system but not sure how it will look.

  • You have an animation and call it something like IDLE and another animation call it Walk.

    You set the animation to change when you press a key or do some other event.

    Both animations are under the same Sprite name so you are not changing sprites just the animation.

    The animation of WALK is set to loop so it appears to walk any time that animation is called.

    Most games use WASD for direction movements and QEZX can be used for the additional 4 angle directions.

    You could use the number pad but many tablets do not include a number pad so that is limiting the users.

    You can use two keys read as KEY IS DOWN and KEY IS DOWN to get 8 direction movement but that gets real tricky as you will get slash over as you change fingers from one key to the next.

  • The article is not accurate. You can make fan games all you want for your own use as long as you are not selling or publishing the content there are also laws protecting parody within limits.

    That is an article written by a lawyer trying to scare game makers in to using his exorbitant services.

    Most game designers never sell a single game and hiring a lawyer is a waste of money until you start producing commercial games in my opinion.

    A quick google of Ryan Morrison the attorney shows he just graduated in 2013 and I don't see a single client or case list on his website.

    Scare tactic advertising IMO.

  • Your text box is probably not large enough to hold the number so it will appear blank when played.

    Resize the text box.

    If you are not using integers you will have a number with many decimals after it depending on what you are using the variable for so you may want to set it to integer.

  • If the image point is the same in both frames the image will change but the sprite will stay at that same X and Y coordinate.

    Are you trying to do a flappy bird type game?

    If so there is a good flappy bird demo in the C2 demos included with C2.