I was mostly confused on what At( ) meant in XAt( ).
The Manual refereed to "At" Expression as Absolute and I didn't realize "At" meant Absolute.
I looked it up on the Touch Page of the Manual because of Lamar.
It makes me assume Touch.X would be relative if a layer was rotated, I didn't even think of that possibility until then.
I was only familiar with Abs() as Absolute.
Abs() of course makes any value positive.
abs( 5 - 10) will return 5 instead of -5
-Abs() will make any value negative.
-abs( 10 - 5) will return -5 instead of 5
It is used to keep any math in the abs() expression to always have positive or negative results.
These are of course different Absolutes, just tossing it in to help some readers.
I only tried to find/search for "XAt".
I thought trying to search for At would have been difficult, since it is a common word.
I missed the quote below, because it was under AbsoluteX in the manual.
"The At expressions can return the absolute position of any touch given its zero-based index, and the ForID expressions return the position of a touch with a specific ID."
Some Examples for the above Quote:
XAt(index, "layer")
XForID(id, "layer")
After finding Absolute in the Manual, I read the At expression returned the Absolute position.
I then noticed this.
What is the need for Absolute if At expression does Absolute?
Does AbsoluteX do the same as XAt?
Absolutes in touch can be used for drawing lines and creating shapes which is I think it's primary purpose. I haven't found any use for it but other people might.