winstreak's Recent Forum Activity

  • I never liked working with the built in buttons so I build my own. This allows you to treat button like any other sprite, but still having the look and animation of buttons.

    If you want to take a look I have a video that breaks it down:

  • Hey EzekielRage,

    Sorry for the delay I failed my first attempt to do this :-P

    You can create an algorithm that moves your boss side to side and up and down using lerp.

    I made a video that explains it (pretty well? I hope):

    Or you can use my code and plug and play:

  • Ya large concepts take a lot longer to put together than unedited mechanics videos ;)

  • Use an image point behind the sprite (Make sure if it's animated it's on each image).

    Set the angle to the angle(player.x,player.y,player.ImagepointX(1),player.imagepointY(1))

    This video will walk you through if you need it:

  • Hey JPixel I made you a video that will walk you through running an instance variable CDTimer for enemies.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

  • Thanks Samuel, that means a lot to me :)

  • I think you meant you use itch to upload games, but even then they just want to share their project file for help from users. Uploading a game to itch is not the same thing.

    Yes I will edit that comment to say games.

    OP did not state they were looking to share their file specifically. The way I read it was they had some sort of version of a game built and wanted commentary on how the game played so far.

    At this point, whatever way OP meant the question, it is answered.

  • Vector X can't be greater than platform maximum speed.

    Too expand dop2000's first comment. You can temporarily boost your characters maximum speed during your conditions for which you need X vector to effect your character. Once complete set the speed back to normal.

    Just make sure you set it up so it is forced to go back no matter what ^^

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  • Steam was a pain in the Arse for me too.

    I try not to make videos about subjects where if someone asks me to explain how I managed to do 'random example 1' my first thought isn't 'oh I just tried 8 different things and it eventually worked'.

    So I will hopefully get to practice more with Steam and make a video, eventually... but I don't want you to wait for me if your game is ready soon. I looked at a few videos about it and didn't find the one I used, but this one seems very good:

    I will also keep looking for the one I originally used and add it here if I find it.

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  • I use to upload games. It's also a great place to find Game Jams which is a fun way to challenge yourself to make better games ^^

    Super easy to upload to but if you have any questions this video will walk you through it:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • If you are asking if you should add more questions to this post - Nope. Definitely start a new one. This will let others find your question, that is hopefully answered, to answer their own questions