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R0J0hound thank you so much excuse me again if it is not a nuisance could you please also insert the mesh distortion with the paster for cionstruct 2
R0J0hound thanks. i tried but could you please give an example on construct 2
R0J0hound I would like to create meshes where I want at any time and position
you could move an entire column or row without affecting the texture and after choosing the position make it move with verlet mode and distort the sprite texture
yes. I meant to create random stitches. thanks anyway
hi sorry again R0J0hound AllanR but i was wondering if you could create mesh in any position you want in runtime please. if you can also give an example
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hi please can someone convert this rex plugin
hi i found this gigatron effect someone please convert it to construct 2 optimize it and remove the parameters of the lights and color intensity
Hi rexrainbow AllanR R0J0hound I have used this rex plugin so far but I decided to buy construct 3 and I was wondering if there is something like this because doing it with events is very long
thank you so much
don't worry it works great
Member since 18 Sep, 2019