Cascade Games's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi

    Thanks for the template. And coincidently I have been searching about it from last 1 week.

    But what is the "real" name of this puzzle game? Because it is practically impossible to search for something on google whose name you don't even know ( there must be someone who have worked on procedural generation of levels of this game as it is quite common one )

  • I tried implementing admob ads but didnt In app. Implementing ads worked for me without any issue. You can use Google test ads to test your project. To implement admob ads you need an admob account from there you will get your Publisher id and Android application ID. You have to put publisher id, Android application id and ad unit ID in construct 3

    You can use the below link to get sample ad unit id for testing

    To get real ad unit id you have to create it in admob account.

    There are lot of youtube tutorials regarding this. Still if you are in trouble dont hesitate to reply i can help you within my knowledge.Iam not a techie. (Sorry for my bad English)

    Thanks for the help

    Issue regarding admob is that I can implement ads in my game but on the admob site (where stats are given) there is HUGE difference between ads "demanded" by my game and ads "shown" by my game. This I considered cheating by admob( this looks like I am analysing the ads and then showing the most expensive ads to my customer so that I can earn more) and account gets banned and I already have been

    So there are only 2 possibilities:- either there is issue with the plugin itself,or I am implementing in the wrong way. Since no one is complaining about it so this means that problem is on my side. So I want to know that how other construct developers implement ads in their game.

    Regarding in-app purchase,I never saw green light

  • jobel I sometimes need more than 10 points, when the shape is very complex, or when I need a perfect curve/circle, or like in this example when I needed to make a hole in the sprite:

    Cascade Games I did test on mobile with a smaller number of objects, and the difference in performance is still around 30%. Like I mentioned, it's an extreme case, 2.5M collision checks per second is something that should never happen in a real game.


  • Hi

    I am working from last 2 months on implementing ads and in-app purchases in my app but alas it is simply refusing to work

    So if possible then please, please someone post a simple basic template on how to implement ads and in-app purchases in the game. It would be a blessing on me and other also who are new to construct 3. I tried very hard to understand from official documentation but alas I am failing

    Thanks again

  • Hi

    Thanks again for the projects which you shared with us. The best part was the internet access projects and it was very very valuable to me. Thanks again

  • We've all seen this warning message displayed when you are trying to add more than 8 points to a collision polygon.

    I decided to test if complex collision polygons are really that bad for performance. Here is the test project.

    Note, that this test is quite extreme - there are 210 rotating objects, each object is tested for overlapping with all other objects on every tick. That's about 2.5 million collision checks per second!

    And yet on my mid-level laptop the difference between 4 points and 20 points in the collision polygon is really not that big!

    I'm also working on another project, where people can load a custom image and its collision polygon is detected automatically. As a result, some images might have 200-300 points in their collision polygon. And this still doesn't cause any noticeable performance issues.


    First of all - kudos to Scirra for optimizing collision checks!

    Second - don't be afraid to add a few extra points when needed. But of course, try to keep the number of collision checks low.

    And finally - I think the threshold for that warning needs to be increased. Maybe show it after adding 15 or 20 points. And I would really like to be able to click "never show this message again" and hide if forever.

    Did you tested for mobile? Every platform must need to be taken together

  • that a permanent no?

    Maybe in future (but the task is quite easy and simple from what I observed as there is quite less difference between normal apps and instant apps)

    (Also there is one constraint that instant app size must be less than 10 mb)

  • No, I have talked to Ashley about that.

  • > You are tagging a 2018 article. Currently it is in 3.2 stable and in future it will move to Vulcan based. Still today they are facing many issues related to 3d part but they "have" options of figuring out the issue . But does construct 3 have any options rather than requesting 3rd parties for solving issues? That is where native vs wrap comes into play

    It is a 2018 article but it is still relevant. 3.2 stable is the version of the engine, not the version of OpenGL ES, which is GLES2 after dropping GLES3 because of the driver situation. There's not more Godot can do about a buggy GPU driver than we can - report it to the appropriate third party.

    Absolutely correct.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I look at the phone in this case, Doogee N20, it was released in Oct 2019, I checked the ARM (Mali) database and it using a driver (r14) from Jul 2018 - so that driver was already a year and half old before the phone was released. There have since been 12 driver updates but they haven't been pushed out to the phone. And to me this is the big problem on Android. First you have buggy opengl drivers, and even if they fix the drivers, the phone vendors aren't pushing the updated drivers to their phones. Google knows this is a big problem, that's why there's this new initiative to push new graphics drivers out through the Play Store (so they will be independent from OTA system updates) see for example:

    As for webview games, I think a small part of the problem is Chromium's approach of driver workarounds, and in worse cases, blocklist the GPU. I understand why they do it, but this is hiding the problem from the end user. Can you imagine if Microsoft did this on Windows? Oh, this game is crashing a lot using an AMD GPU, so we will just disable the GPU - there would be a riot. They don't do that, they leave it up to Nvidia and AMD to fix their driver issues, which they do - because if one vendor constantly put out slow or buggy drivers, PC gamers will rip out the GPU and put in the competitors instead. Unfortunately that can't be done a phone. And not many people when buying a phone think "ooh this has a Tegra GPU - their drivers are much better - so I'll buy this one". This all takes the pressure off the mobile manufacturers to deal with the problem that they should be responsible for fixing.

    As silly as this sounds, imagine if Fortnite or Candy Crush ran inside a webview. I imagine these issues would be dealt with really quickly - because a company with enough bite like Samsung - would go to ARM and tell them to fix it if thousands of players started complaining about their phones performance.

    And this issue is definitely not only webview games. Godot engine has been mentioned in this thread - for those who are not familiar - Godot compiles to native code - webview is not involved at all. When Godot 3 was released, they had developed a whole new renderer based on OpenGL ES 3 (which WebGL 2 is also based on), but when people started moving their projects to Godot 3, many experienced slow performance and hard crashes on Android. The source of most of these problems: buggy GPU drivers. And what happened? They basically threw the new renderer in the bin and went back to the old OpenGL ES 2 renderer. Source:

    That's not to bad mouth Godot, it is a good engine, but every engine I have used has issues, some of which are out of their control.

    The good news, if you read the Godot blog, at that time 36% of Android devices didn't support OpenGL ES 3 (Feb 2018). As of today, that number is down to 12%. So things are improving.

    But ultimately I think it is up to Google to pressure the phone and chip manufacturers to fix these issues, and get those fixes out to the users. GPU driver updates via the Play Store is a good sign they are doing this. That's why submitting issues like this to Chromium is good - the pressure will start to flow uphill.

    You are tagging a 2018 article. Currently it is in 3.2 stable and in future it will move to Vulcan based. Still today they are facing many issues related to 3d part but they "have" options of figuring out the issue . But does construct 3 have any options rather than requesting 3rd parties for solving issues?

    That is where native vs wrap comes into play

  • It really upset me today. Initially I thought that it was due to mobile cornering,but now many are raising issues related to performance. I have invested a good amount of hard work on construct 3 and ....

  • > Ok, All this posts are making me worrying about my game.


    > So, I'm testing my current game on 3 different phones:


    • Iphone 5s (the phone came out 7 years ago)
    • >
    • One avarage android phone that is 3 years old (2GB of ram / medium cpu).
    • >
    • Galaxy note 10.
    • >


    > On the iphone, the game run with an average of 45/60fps depending on how much chaotic is the scene. The game is playable and the lag is still tolerant. I would be super happy if when I finish the game the performance are the same.


    > On the "old" android phone it runs good, 55/60fps, still some lag sometime.


    > On the Galaxy note 10, the phone runs 60fps solid, if there is some drops it is because there is something wrong with my logic code.


    > The project now has 2000 events, 140 objects and 15 families and I'm using effects on 6 layers. I think that when I'm done finalizing the game, I will end up with probably 2700 events, maybe 200 objects and hopefully 20 families.


    > I have tested the game only on the browser, and only once I exported it (APK). I noticed that the game would run a little bit slower compared to the preview mode (I opened a topic about it some months ago).


    > So, is there anyone who have published a game on the Playstore and the App store that is not a small game? The big problem is not about the lagging or the crashes on the old phones. The problem are the bad reviews that the user would leave on the game.


    > When you publish a game, is there a way to tell the store that the app support only specific specs?


    > Why there is this difference between the APK and the browser? It seems to don't make sense. If chrome can run the game fast, why the exported project get chopped in somehow? Shouldn't run faster than the one on the browser since the game shouldn't load the browser stuff into memory?


    > I think that it would be good to have 2 sub-forums about performance and about publishing a game. The general Discussion forum is too broad and the discussions get lost here.

    I didn't got the meaning of 2000 events. Are they on the same event sheet,or are you talking about "total" events in the game itself?

    My game had lots and lots of events and objects (if you want to try then . And I am quite satisfied with the performance.(the game is still in construction)

    I also had published it to play store but had to remove it due to untidy work. And performance was exatly same as the Web one (sometimes even better). But I will surely later on upgrade it and will upload again to play store.

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Cascade Games

Member since 31 Jul, 2019

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