umarfarooq's Recent Forum Activity

  • Bl4ckSh33p Were you able to do it successfully?

  • Would be good to try. Can you please add.


  • Please do what AllanR have proposed.

    Should work.

    Else I can take a look at .capx later


  • Place a Text/Label on layout,

    SET TEXT to LocalStorage.ItemValue

    You'll see Bob there : )

  • Can't say your condition / logic is correct because, 1) I don't know what you're trying to implement, 2) If it's the best way to implement that. Now knowing both can render a condition / logic correct or incorrect : )

    Regardless of above, what happened when you Disabled this and triggered using a Button? If you say you're getting the same result, there is something wrong with Condition.

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  • LocalStorage.ItemValue is now set for this key "name".

    This is assuming there is just one value here. If this key is set against an Array or Dictionary stored in local storage then you can call that particular value accordingly.

  • Without knowing rest of the code, structure or what you actually want to implement here.

    On top of my head,

    1. For each XY element having a sub-event can sometimes cause un-expected loops. I used the word un-expected to explain that they may differ from what we have in our head.

    2. To debug this, take it out of this sub-event. Make a new event which gets triggered on click of a button and then press the button at the appropriate time in the game. Keep the debug window open and see the result. If you get correct result, this means a problem while using "Every XY..". If you still don't get correct result with a button, means check your Array values.

    / Umar

  • Is this a sub-event?

  • Create a Global Variable.

    On event Click (which gets you coin), add +1 to Global Variable. It will count your clicks.

    Reset it if mouse clicks a new/different object. Begin adding +1 again.


  • Hi spectron

    That's a loaded question.

    Let's start with definition; Price = amount at which developer/publisher sell the game, Cost = developer/published incurred.

    Cost can be subjective based on the tools used, time spent, location of development which has cost of living associated with it, assets purchased etc.

    Price on the other hand is more of Fair Value / Relative Assessment. For example if Starcraft II introduced Wings of Liberty at around USD 60, you know what quality of the game you need to have in comparison to demand that price. If you're going to offer a MMORPG on Subscription then a ceiling comparison could be World of Warcraft. Then for FPS, Call of Duty can help you set a benchmark. On lower end, there is huge tail of Free Games / Freemium / Only-in-App / Low Price / Medium Price, etc.

    The way to think about Pricing is to first look at the model you think is most suitable for your game, and alignment with your expectations vs effort put into it. For instance, if it is your first game, there is no publisher on-board and you didn't do any marketing, regardless of how good the game is, asking a top-tier price will most likely won't work. Meaning, your game won't get any sales traction.

    So here is one way to go about it,

    1. Think of the Sales Model you want to have

    2. Honest to self, expectations vs effort assessment

    3. Completely independent or along with a publisher


  • And one of the object will be user controlled ? Either or both are event controlled ?

  • Depends on what you want to do exactly. Multiplayer in split screen? Game has some puzzle that requires split screen?

    Can you share some detail.

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