Smaad's Recent Forum Activity

  • Sweet. Keep it going!

  • Looking good!

    The wonderboy sprite brings back memories of my megadrive days

  • Oh and collecting too many nuts makes you literally stop hehe.

    A suggestion on that is maybe a button to drop nuts if necessary.

    Another suggestion is powerups to maybe mix up gameplay, speed boosts, temporary invulnerability, higher jump e.t.c.

    Another could be a upgrade system using the nuts so you can buy upgrades to stats such as health, speed and speed when encumbered.

  • Cute and fun game Good for my procrastinating ways, haha

    I did however get stuck in the air slowly moving left after getting out of a struggle with a bird (just so you know)

    Keep up the great work!

  • [quote:1e66g9y2]Very impressive stuff

    Thanks! Will keep it up to date every couple days

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Updated the new female model into construct.

    Also completed running, standing, jumping and falling animations, which all blend to each other smoothly through the limb based system I have set up

  • [quote:3i06uw5d]Looks nice, i like her boobs

    Thanks! And er... thanks? haha

  • Haha, I think there is a large gap in the market for old school RPG style games with modern elements. Any idea on how long until a demo/release or is it an as and when you are done scenario?

  • [quote:2c0jf1hu]You should post the video here as well. Its reminds of Terraria. The Physics are awesome, looks very funny when he falls like it hurts a lot

    Hehe. That video is over a year old, so was going to do a new video over the coming days with the new character model and all the new effects/fire/lighting/vehicles e.t.c.

  • [quote:3jqfh8fd]Your lighting effects and day/night effects are amazing!

    Thanks! I am quite impressed with construct 2! Couldn't have done the effects without the blends and webgl

  • Hi, I'm Gary.

    I was introduced to construct 2 through my brother. Previously I was working with pure code so this is a welcome retreat and allows you to be really productive!

    Hope to Make and Play many great indie games!

  • [quote:1bi62onw]which is like a good old '90s roleplaying game

    That is exactly the feel it gave. Like a HD version of the ol' classic RPG art. Gives it a certain charm.

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Member since 18 Oct, 2013

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