I have seen so many people go apenuts over something as simple as setting up a client ...
when I look in the "how to" section, ... and see some request about certain minor problems .... I can imagine the ranting newbs will do with their hands in their hair throwing fits cos they dont understand :)
For instance, an issue I ran into when direting iterns for a company I worked for as head IT, was that manuals I created to instruct them became outdated pretty fast. (program updates etc etc) and the level of easyness from a tutorial/guide was suddenly undone, untill the documents got updated.
Here is why I think having an integrated something will help out greatly, as it would be part of the tool, with its own continously updating manual. :)
Ah well, so many options ....
On a side note:
Recently with the updated group naming system, when I need to copy something from on project version to another version, I benefit greatly how it adds numbers to the group names.
Since I place near everything in a group, I can simply copy an entire group right below the other, and simply move parts from the copied/imported group to the other, eventually deleting the added group.
Been working great the last few days :)