's Recent Forum Activity

  • I set some steps here that helped me:

  • Also, it looks like my Ads stopped working today and two days ago. Not sure what's going on as I'm trying to troubleshoot. I feel like it's a Admob issue right now and maybe it will resolve itself tomorrow? Yeah, this makes it incredibly hard to review and fix.

  • GG-Works

    Follow my instructions in part2 from above.

    Repasting it for you to retrive MoPub ID number:

    1. Click Inventory tab, then below graph click on Ad Units tab, click on Ad Unit link

    2. Top right, click Code Integration

    3. Copy the Ad unit ID from field: "Your ad Unit ID".

    This is the number you need for Ludei.

  • To get ads to display properly here is where you need to put the "ad unit links" throughout Admob > Mopub > Ludei


    1. Click Monetize new app

    2. Copy "Ad unit ID" from the setting page (Ad unit ID, Automatic refresh, Text ad style, Ad unit name)


    Part 1:

    1. Network > Admob, Click blue link on top right Edit Network

    2. Under Set Up Your Inventory, click Edit Section

    3. Under "Publisher ID" Paste Admob Ad Unit ID from steps above.

    Part 2:

    1. Click Inventory tab, then below graph click on Ad Units tab, click on Ad Unit link

    2. Top right, click Code Integration

    3. Copy the Ad unit ID from field: "Your ad Unit ID"


    1. In DevPortal go to Services > Ads (you have to have permission to have this link otherwise you won't see it).

    2. In Banner AdUnit field insert Ad Unit ID from MoPub and check box for AdMob

  • I've set a button to share a Facebook link but clicking it doesn't work. Someone mentioned in another thread that you have to include the Facebook Login event as well, but that doesn't work either.

    Has anyone successfully implemented a Facebook Share link?

  • Seems I'm getting about $1 for every 1,000 ad views from admob. Anyone else have a different amount?

    Ads are still showing up very spotty.

  • Coming soon: Global scores

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • My game is now on Google Play store [FREE]. However, I want to promote it more and I have used the Scirra Game Creations thread. Someone suggested YouTube as well. Where else can I promote my game? Do you know other forums? ... .astrojump

  • screenshots now attached!

  • No problem!

  • samblack This is rather complicated for me to explain and requires in depth knowledge of Arrays and WebStorage.

    Rather than a step by step walkthrough, here is a high level view of what I do:

    1. Have a webstorage to store the highscore string. Rather than one number, I have 5 numbers with commas in between

    2. I then store each of these values into the Array to separate them out

    3. Everytime someone has a hiscore, it checks whether it's higher than any of the Array hiscores through a loop and displays them.

    Sorry, real vague, but I'm sure there are so many different ways to do this.

  • samblack

    How I publish my game:

    1. I keep my games in Dropbox so that I can work on my game anywhere

    2. I export to Cocoon.js, use PNG compression on Brute and Minify the game

    3. Go to Ludei > Dev Portal and upload the zip file of my game and Compile the project

    4. They email me the zip of a test file APK and unreleased final APK

    5. I have to use CMD prompt and Sign the unreleased final file using the tutorial on Scirra on signing APKs

    6. After I sign the APK, I upload this to Google Play Publish

    7. On Google Play Publish, I also upload screenshots, descriptions, etc... and hit Publish!'s avatar

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