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  • They need to be on the same layer so trees for example will appear over enemies and such if the enemy is behind them and behind the enemies if the enemy is in front of it.

    Is there a way to draw a line around the characters instead if they're covered by an obstacle, but on a layer above the obstacles?


    In the above, I'm trying to use destination out blend mode on the trees and other obstacles that overlap above the player. However, because the player and other characters need to be on the same layer as the trees and whatever else, the object that uses destination out to make a semi-transparent radius around the player effects all the characters as well.

    I tried various methods to get this to work and the solution is eluding me. The closest I gotten it to work is making all actors appear over the destination out object but then they appear over the trees and such when they should be appearing behind them.

  • Here's the issue I'm having with loading in a duration with TMX Importer. Below is an example CAPX that replicates the issue for me at least.

    It tells me:

    Javascript error!

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

    localhost/Rex_TMXImporter_plugin.js, line 458 (col


  • I tried load in duration but it gives me a javascript error about how it can't read he property "name" of undefined Rex_TMXImporter_plugin.js on line 458.

  • I tried to create an example CAPX but it broke somewhere along the way of being made...

    It's basically just caused for me when I create the tiles of a 100x100 map of 32x32px tiles with two layers of tiles, the bottom layer being taken up entirely by tiles.

  • I can't easily share a working CAPX file with you because it involves a bunch of complicated steps to get it to work right currently on someone else's computer so sorry about that.

    Is there any way to reduce or eliminate the increasing amount of freezing associated with the TMX importer plugin loading a larger and larger map?

  • I tried changing the various compression options when exporting, if that matters at all, and it had no impact on performance when exported.

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  • I have an ATI Radeon HD 5450 and I already updated it to the latest beta driver available which actually gave me 10FPS more in performance.

  • MadFactory has a great idea there. It would make things so much less complicated.

  • Thanks for the protips. I think my friend who is the other programmer misunderstood my question when he said we couldn't do it by placing all objects in a unreachable layout. At any rate I've let him know, this is a great help and that's much better than MMF2's way of doing things.

  • Hey I am Mike Crain. Thought I should perhaps introduce myself. I've come from years of using the Clickteam products like MMF2 and I am very impressed with Construct 2 after my short amount of time using it. Sure, it's easy to break the framerate in games you make if you don't know what you're doing but that doesn't detract from the awesomeness of C2. :)

  • I didn't know that you could do that. I will try it out. Thanks.

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