corlenbelspar's Recent Forum Activity

  • So I have an external updater program I really need to be able to run. I use the "run file" command and whether I tell the Node Webkit plugin to run NodeWebkit.AppFolder & "Updater.exe" or just Updater.exe, it doesn't do anything.

  • I managed to fix it in our audio manager we made by preloading the music as sound effects as soon as they're called because they have a short delay before being called on because of crossfading.

  • It seems to just be an issue in Chrome and Node-webkit, yeah. Only problem with preloading other music is we've got a ton of music and preloading it all isn't really an option.

  • Problem Description

    When, what I'm guessing is a large OGG music file, is played first in the game, no other OGG music files will play.

    Attach a Capx ... litch.capx

    Description of Capx

    This demonstrates the problem.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open the CAPX.
    • Wait until the first song starts playing.
    • Press Z and viola, the second song won't play at all.

    Observed Result

    A large OGG music file will bar any other OGG music files from playing.

    Expected Result

    All music files should be able to play regardless of what is played first.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: Yes
    • FireFox: No
    • Internet Explorer: Can't Test Effectively

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, Service Pack 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    R175 64-bit

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  • Oh yeah, forgot to check that. That seems to be the case, we just checked. He said the game was running at "normal speed" so I assumed he was getting 60FPS but apparently not which makes sense and apparently none of the webgl effects work for him like I thought they did so this is all cleared up now. Thanks.

    I was going to give him the Chrome GPU test but he doesn't use Chrome. Oh well, I was thinking of putting a disclaimer at the start of the game where it warns you if you're not running webgl and that the game will probably run much slower.

  • His drivers aren't blacklisted though unless they just become blacklisted only when they try to run a layout that has webgl effects applied to layers. When I removed the webgl effects from the layer I had them applied to, he was able to run the game under webgl again and the game has a ton of other webgl effects on objects.

  • For the record, I found I put a webgl effect on a layer in the layout that was being run and that caused it to run in canvas2d for my friend. It works fine on my computer but not my friend's when I do that. My question still stands though for future reference,

  • Is there anything in C2 that would cause webgl to disable suddenly? I sent my friend two builds of my game recently, both built with the same version of C2, and on the old build webgl runs fine but now on the new one it's only using canvas2D as the rendering engine. On my computer however, the new version runs just fine under webgl. I built them both in node webkit.

    He just checked to see if the old build was effected, but it's not. Just the new build.

  • Maybe toggle a Boolean variable that determines if the sprite is visible or not every time an "on frame changed" condition happens?

  • I don't know if this has been suggested before, but here goes. I would like to see a few features in the tilemap object to make editing it easier. For one it'd be cool to see a selection tool that allows you to drag tiles around to another location and possibly cut and paste them. And an option to shift tiles up, down, left or right would be nice too because as it is, as far as I know, you have to just draw everything all over again if you're using one big tilemap object if you didn't give yourself enough room on the left for example and need to shift everything over.

  • I was just wondering because I used paster to paste silhouettes of characters in front of obstructions when they're behind them and I had used tint effect to make them show up with different colors based on their character type. Like enemies are red, friends are green, etc. Are you going to continue development on paster by any chance? Or is there a work around I can use to pull off what I did with paster, in canvas?

  • One idea I had for why I considered a custom made one is because of the way my game submits scores to the server. But I can eventually just encrypt the scores rather than what I did. Only problem is, I don't know how to encrypt strings yet in C2.

    Thanks for your input.

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