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  • I'd tried Googling this and came up with nothing. Then there'd be the problem of how to reference the variable of a sprite's air height because I want to use this for an easy jumping effect in a top-down view.

  • I think it's maybe to do with webGL, but I wasn't sure. I can try reinstalling my drivers, but that didn't seem to fix anything, but then Windows Update is possessive about updating them and that always screws them up somehow.

  • I wouldn't care so much, except it causes C2 to freeze up when it happens and I lose all my work if I hadn't saved. Which, due to the random nature of it, I have to save every 2 seconds.

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  • I'm not really criticizing him. It's just something I noticed. He was resistant to the idea of making a better collision detection system, but ultimately did it because it was worth the time and people kept requesting it.

  • Ashley can be really stubborn, but he does oftentimes relent if people demand something enough and it's not needlessly difficult to implement.

  • Every once in a while, seemingly at random, my video card will crash and I seldom get the following error message just when NW.js loads, but usually it crashes my video card after my game fully loads and then I get no error message.!Ak5NmenBvuyPjRxuRpQirzmNIwjo

  • What's the difference between moving to XY and moving to delta XY in the moveto behavior?

  • If I wanted an object to move exactly 16 pixels by the end of its movement and had it move 1 pixel per frame with DT as part of the equation, how do I ensure it ends up exactly 16 pixels away?

  • I meant a Windows menu bar. I found documentation for it anyway. It basically requires some JavaScript with the Browser object. If you know of any pointers, I'd be grateful if you pointed them out.

  • So how do I do it? lol

  • Refer to subject.

  • That's looking better, but it still acts wonky when I put the pathfinding object directly next to obstacles and then set the cell padding to -1, because otherwise the pathfinding object can't move at all. The default settings for the pathfinding even have the padding set to -1 because I remember Ashley said collisions polygons right next to each other, but not overlapping, also count as colliding because of some bug with the platform movement behavior when he didn't do that. I made the origins at 0, 0 because I don't know how else to make them properly snap to the grid, since it doesn't have an offset option where I can put in something like 8px.

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