I thought this was going to be a great solution for being able to trigger enemies to have unique death and hurt events until I put it in and having 84 instances that don't do anything nor even use the behavior ACEs makes my behavior CPU use go up by 20%. I guess I'll have to just go back to using functions despite I don't like having to make a function for every single object type for this kind of thing.
I tested this and bb codes like that don't work on spritefonts. Just text objects.
I've always just done something like round(# * 10) / 10 since in that case it would change the tenths place to the left of the decimal and it would then round it all getting rid of anything after the decimal and divide it back to return what part of the decimal value I wanted to be left.
Though this is actually really nifty where we can just use an expression now that is less complicated.
I'm impressed you got the NWjs features to work so quickly for worker in the time span between my bug report and this release, given you have a million other things you are busy with.
Member since 14 Aug, 2013