samueledev please redownload and install.
its great game. congratulations.
Actually, Aseprite is an open source. You can compile and use Aseprite yourself.
Just you cannot redistribute compiled versions of Aseprite.
I don't know why it doesn't work. I didn't use the firebase in any of my projects.
but according to my research guess you should add the "inappbrowser" plugin to your project.
You can look at this topic for detailed information.
You can use c3 mobile advert plugin in the c2 project with cordova cli.
I can help you if you send me mail.
i have fixed. please redownload and try.
ERAgames777 Does it work in c2runtime? If it works, please send a sample c3p file, i will test it in c3runtime.
make a zip file and change its extension but they don't support c3runtime. See this topic for rex_plugins with c3runtime support.
send user profile image to leadearboard with the extra parameter.
Load it into the sprite with the foreach loop.
I tried logging in with Google. it worked smoothly.
try the sample project (auth-facebookorgoogle.capx). if the sample project is not working, the problem may be in your browser.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
It makes more sense to use the plugin. but if you want to do it via "Browser.ExecJS" you can write this.
Browser.ExecJS("function date() { var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']; var now = new Date(); var thisMonth = months[now.getMonth()]; var day = now.getDay(); var year = now.getFullYear(); var text = day+' '+thisMonth+' '+year; return text; } date()")
sample file
Member since 11 Aug, 2013