To create each object in a family you need to make a create action for each object. Alternatively you could place them in the layout yourself to avoid making the events.
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That's a good point, I rarely use booleans. Better here if you use a global number set it to 0 or 1 for off and on. Then you can update that bottom event to set variable to local storage itemvalue.
On the bottom event the action is set turn_on to localstorage.itemvalue.
For the other events where you mentioned "turn_on" remove the quotation marks as this is not using the variable.
Expect a 0 or 1 when you take the value from local storage.
Yep as mentioned above add conditions in the function 'curRound = a value' that you can use to split off whch enemies to spawn in which round. Currently you don't filter by any conditions so it runs that event every time you call the function.
In the CreateEnemies function you can add conditions for curRound, ifcurRound=5 you can spawn the boss and different enemies. Not sure you what meant about stopping those from previous waves as it looks like you need to destroy all enemies to go to next round.
If you are overlapping it and hit mine key then perform mining action. You could have a variable for amount on it and subtract from it each time you mine until it's 0. Also maybe the animation changes for each level of variable so it depletes.
The orange condition you have at the bottom on the freckles event 'pick instance with UID orange_ID', also add it to the every tick text event.
Looks like you need a condition on the left 'pick orange with UID orange_ID' since that is the one you are trying to display the variable freckles. You still need to pick for text because when you say set text to orange.freckles you didn't specify which orange.
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