I mentioned this briefly in the comments, but in case it gets lost there, I think you'll have to be very careful around feature-locking.
Naturally the business appeal of 'suites' is the potential for both new users and more revenue from existing users. But the failure of many suites/brand families/etc is holding features hostage behind products.
We're only seeing a sliver of the plans for Animate, but so far it does include this. Locking Export to Video behind Animate only makes sense from a business perspective. Asking C3 users to pay extra won't go over well with those who currently use C3 for any animation, and with the community on principle (since Animate is just Construct and there's no barrier to porting the feature.)
It's a fine line that will need good communication to manage. In this case, it does seem like buying Photoshop just to save my Illustrator file as a JPG.
That aside, I truly love how Construct has opened the doors to development for so many people, and I hope Animate brings more animators into the world.