you could maybe compare the instances, and if the instance count is above 2 or 3 then reduce the volume for all sound instances by like 25%
hope this helps
does nobody know?
maybe you can help
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
If you want to create objects in the middle of each cell, add half of the cell width: x=(round(Mouse.x/150)*150+75) y=(round(Mouse.y/150)*150+75)
If you want to create objects in the middle of each cell, add half of the cell width:
I just tested this and it is very inconsistent.
The tiles either:
I dont know if it was something I did, or thats just broken lol.
ok, if each tile is 150X150
I made a demo project and tested it and it works just fine
x=(round(Mouse.x/150)*150), y=(round(Mouse.y/150)*150)
I can Link to the project if you want
thats cool
how large are the tiles on your grid?
cool, it looks like its working
Sprite; > Set X to : (round(Sprite.X*0.05))*20 > Set Y to : (round(Sprite.Y*0.05))*20
> Set X to : (round(Sprite.X*0.05))*20
> Set Y to : (round(Sprite.Y*0.05))*20
i hope this helps
did you change the setting? if you change it and test it you should see a difference. sorry if im not understanding, i dont really see a problem
if this still doesnt work then maybe try adjusting the layout scale
Good Luck on creating your game :)
If you use the "Browser" object, then you can Set Orientation, Lock/Unlock Orientation.
Member since 16 Jun, 2018