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  • did you try:

    Set text = "Y" + current text?

  • Indeed, make a dictionary and put it in the container of the pet. Each pet will automatically get its own dictionary and it will be created, picked and destroyed along with the pet. The key of the dictionary is the stat, the value is the value of the stat.

    hope this helps


  • Maybe my tutorial on bouncing ball game can help? It uses the platform behavior for bouncing straight up.

  • You can paste the letter on the drawing canvas and use the mouse to draw on the canvas.

    Maybe this Scirra example project can do something for you.

    Or, on my youtube channel are a lot of beginner friendly tuts where you can learn how to make some well known games by example.

    There's also a little demo where you can see how to use the paste functionality of the drawing canvas :

    Hope I helped you


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  • It might be a convenience solution, but what I mostly do in larger projects with sounds, where the sound is optional... is wrap the play sound and play music in a function. I pass in the tag to the function, and the function only plays the sound or music if a global variable is set to true or something. First thing the game should do of course is get the setting from local storage, before the the sound starts playing

    hope it helps?


  • Agree with dop2000

    If you want a real world example on how to save stuff using local storage, and what dop2000 means, just check some of my tuts on my youtube channel. For example this one for a piano tiles game where I load a "best score" in the same way.

    Some other tuts do something similar.

    Hope it helps


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  • Hi,

    I'm not sure I fully understand the use case, but what I can say is that if you're looking for an understanding on how picking, creating, destroying works, maybe you can watch my tuts on creating a bubble shooter

    or a 3 match game

    A lot of destroying, creating and picking going on there.

    Sincerely hope that helps


  • Agree,

    just to illustrate further, though I think not 100% applicable, in my tutorial on the police chaser I also check for distances to dynamically create road ahead of the car.

    If you're new to C3 in general, maybe you'll like the other tuts as well where you can see some possibilities on how to make well known games in general.

    Hope this helps you in any way


  • Hi,

    indeed, you can check this video on my youtube channel where the mouse cursor is replaced with a sniper rifle scope.



  • If you're new to Construct, feel free to check out my youtube channel where you can see how you can make some well known type game and how a mechanic behind it might work.

    Many of them use timers, just to name one: Tetris for example where I create an object type with a timer to be able to let a block fall down gradually

    check it out, how it works out for you


  • Hi,

    you can use the Date plugin to get the "Now" expression. It's the number of milliseconds since 1970. So it always increments; If you save it when closing the app using local storage, and you get it again when the app opens again, you can subtract the new value from the saved value to know the time that passed since the last time you opened the app.

    See my little video on the date plugin en the "Now" expression on my youtube channel.

    The channel has many tutorials on how to create games, and i'm planning on adding an idle clicker game or something any time soon that will use the same mechanic.

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