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  • I think you could save the UID of the asteroid in a global var when you click it.

    Then in the event where you put "distance(...", as an extra condition set Asteroid -> Pick by unqiue id and use the global var.

    Does that help?


  • Thanks for thinking along with me!

    Good point, however that doesn't match up with the comment. It states that it's the idea that only 1 live is lost instead of 2 when colliding with 2 ghosts, if they are both uneaten. And that's exactly what would happen if only 1 of the 2 ghosts are eaten.

    So : 1 ghost is hit : no prob

    2 ghosts are hit, 2 are eaten : no prob, I've tested and the score is augmented twice, with or without the for each

    2 ghosts are hit, both are uneaten. Without the timer: I lose two lives, with or without the foreach, with the timer I lose 1 life, so the timer is responsible for not letting me lose 2 lives, not the for each unlike what the comment states

    2 ghosts are hit, 1 eaten, 1 not (your suggestion) : I did the test just now... simply by stopping the movement of the ghots, the ghosts spawn 2 over each other at the beginning of the game, so the ideal circumstance. I changed the condition from "is eaten" to UID = 135, which is one of the ghosts uid's. In that case, I lose 1 life AND I get 1 score. With or without the for each.

    I know I'm jabbering around over a small thing here, but I just wanted to profoundly understand, assuming that the code in the samples is flawless.

  • I've been looking at the Eat 'm all template. Just for fun, to see how it's made.

    But i'm baffled about 1 thing. And that this section

    + Player: On collision with Ghost

    + System: For each Ghost

    Trying to wrap my head around it I simulated a condition where it would really overlap 2 ghosts. But that made no difference at all. Also, a test project I created made no difference if I put the for each in the on collision or not. So the comment states that it's there to prevent from 2 lives being subtracted if it would accidentally overlap 2 ghosts at once. Well, according to me that's achieved by the wait logic inside the subevent.

    by waiting, the second ghost in the overlap doesn't match the IsAlive condition in the next tick, and it doesn't subtract the second score. In fact when I comment out the wait, it indeed does that, where as with the wait it correctly subtracts only 1 life.

    furthermore, I was thinking, so maybe it's there to add 2 times the score in the "isEscape" logic.

    But if you get rid of the For Each, it just as well subtracts 2 times the score, as opposed to when it was in. So no difference here either.

    So I'm thinking. Why actually is the for each ghost there? And why the comment? Did that work differently in C2 maybe?


  • do you mean like portalling like this :


  • I think that this tutorial might help you in some way:

  • Hi,

    I've checked out your c3p file, and I think the issue is due to the fact that you're actually hardcoding all levels from 1 to 10 by copying the logic.

    I really wouldn't do that. I would make the level a variable and make functions that do the logic based on the variable. Only one set of logic instead of 10 times the same. Also, you could use dictionaries or arrays instead of txt files or you could alternatively make up the question using randomisation. For example: in the 1st level you would generate numbers between 1 and 10 and solutions between and 15. In level 2 generate numbers between 10 and 20 and solutions between 10 and 30. Something like that.

    If you want some inspiration on creating apps you can check out my youtube channel.

    There is no template for a quiz (yet) but you can see similar solutions for example

    for sudoku :

    for a logo quiz:

    Hope that helps you in some way.

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  • did you uncheck the default controls checkbox on the behavior?

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  • Hi, maybe my video can be of any help?

  • some video's on my youtube channel use arrays :


    In both you can see that data doesn't come from a text file, but from the built in array editor (which in essence is also a project file) and is loaded at runtime. It's pretty easy to edit the array in construct and read it through the ajax plugin. It doesn't matter if it's strings or numbers.

    Hope this helps

  • I do something similar in one of my youtube tuts:

    only, they are not rotated. For that you will have to move the origin point and move them at an angle

  • Create placeholders at design time, create the slots at runtime is indeed how I would set it up, and depending on player/shop change the configuration and the way it looks

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