ACCES-Mathieu's Recent Forum Activity

  • File Chooser plugin?

    It seems this plugin allows the user to choose and load a file inside the project, but not to simply open a given folder in "explorer" for Windows or "finder" for Mac.

  • Thank you Plinkie, I'll try to find something useful here.

  • Hello,

    I'm using Construct 3 and I would like for the user to access to a given folder in his file explorer (both on windows and mac) when he clicks on a button.

    My export method is NWJS.

    Is there a command to allow this ?

    Thanks !



  • Hi.

    I have the same problem here.

    On my Construct 3, when I duplicate a layout, Construct randomly crashes about 1 every 3 or 4 duplicates.

    I have to mention that my project has 1600+ layouts and 400+ object types.

    To prevent losses of my work, I have to save my project every time I duplicate and reload it after crash.

    It's a huge loss of productivity.



    Thank you for this trick !

    Do you know which functionalities will not work correctly when ran locally ?



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  • Here's a picture of the BitDefender alert (in french, if you need translation, I'd post it)

    What version of NWjs are you using?

    nw.js v0.33.3

    Node v10.10.0

    Chromium 69.0.3497.100

    commit hash: fdaa1b9-de9606e-577bc92-35a7ccb

  • Hello,

    did something happened recently with security softwares concerning NWjs ? A customer of our product reported us that Bitdefender is preventing our application to start because a ransomware behavior was detected.



  • For info, the browser.platform value for MacOS is :

    Does anyone know the value for Linux ?


  • Following Dannyyy's advice, I tried to make a copy of the LTS (Long Term Supported) version of NWJS : 0.14.7 and to paste the package.nw that I exported for actual NWJS versions. I could test it on a Windows Vista system and it worked with minor font issues. That's a decent workaround for my customers who have very old PCs and can't update them.

  • Hello NWJS exporters !

    Is there anything to know in order to export NWJS projects that would work with older Windows versions like XP or Vista ?

    My customers get an error message about Kernel32.dll at the moment. I hope there's a workaround.



  • I hope this function is still in the roadmap.

    Any idea on when it might be released ?

    Thank you

  • Hi again,

    Did you managed to use 'Run' command with files on macs on your previous projects ? I'm really struggling with this issue now, and panic mode is very close to activation.

    Your help would be really welcome !

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Member since 12 Dec, 2017

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