Salvo776's Recent Forum Activity

  • rexrainbow

    I wanted to say thank you so much for all your awesome plugins and behaviors you created for CS2! They have saved my life.

    In terms of the CSV for arrays plugin you created, i believe to have discovered a bug in which certain elements are not getting read into the CS2 array properly.

    I found, that if you have multiple .csv files that are being phased into a CS2 array into different z locations using your plugin, some data is shaved off based on the smallest excel doc (not all my excel .csv docs contain the same number of x values)

    What would you suggest i do to insure all the data is correcting inputted into the array from the various excel docs.

    Example of my problem:

    doc1.csv (10 x elements)

    doc2.csv (4 x elements)

    doc3.csv (20 x elements)

    When phased into the array, only 4 elements of doc1.csv are retained. The full amount (20) elements are in fact retained from the last document.

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  • Wow, big spike, i see it as well. Is there an explanation for this? I'm experiencing a similar problem myself. Ashley

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    Hello fellow Construct 2 members.

    Do you like League of Legends or DOTA 2?

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    Thanks for your time,

    Best of luck!

  • austin Yes it better now, thank you. I'm currently implementing my own leader boards table now. If i in counter any problems ill be sure to ask you for advise. You help out a lot on this form and i'm very impressed by your work you've put in technically, and socially.

  • austin

    Wow, thank you so much!

    The sizing issue was fixed due to the changes you made on your end. (though i still think it seems larger than intended, but that could just be the way you want to be seen. There is still a scroll arrow option that is visible when the log in appears and this is a common sign of the fonts and images being to large)


    Thanks for your input and showing me how you overcame the issue, i would love to explore the different options in the CSS but i actually have no idea on how i can go about changing them, for the main platform i am developing for is IOS iPhone.

  • TELLES0808

    My understanding is you must set the option to "best" so that it will only update your score if it exceeds the previous one. In other words, it will not add another score, it will just change the old one, to the new best one.

  • austin

    I'm sorry but i'm going to have to end up adding a third post to this form.

    I fixed the first problem i was having but now i have another.

    The log in and leader boards are EXTREMELY large. I cant figure out how to make these windows smaller because they are unnecessarily big on the iPhone 5. When i try them in Google Chrome they function properly (normal size)

    How do i fix this problem?

    On a side note, i'm having a little trouble correctly displaying the users name in a text field. It works sometimes, but often it changes to "" (nothing) or "Anonymous".

  • Please disregard my previous comment, i have fixed the issue at the moment.

  • austin

    Hey Austin, first of all just wanted to say amazing job, I love

    My app is working with this plugin when i test it in Google Chrome. The problem that i'm having is when i export my app through Cocoonjs and play it on my iPhone 5, there is this grey thin bar on the right side of my screen. This bar does not interfere with taping on the screen but whenever i swipe or hold down it shows up and literally pauses the whole game. I have read this entire form and no one is experiencing this so i must ask you myself.

    The bar seems to be the kind of scroll bar that you see whenever your scrolling through text or websites. I can move this bar with my finger in the scrolling motion as well.

    So basically, i cannot use my app at the moment. Do you know why this is happening?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

  • Hello,

    To clarify, I need to add in a high score feature into my game and the ability to purchase an item via IOS In-App Purchase. I am using Cocoonjs and would like to know if anyone has accomplished this and is whiling to help me out. I already have a premium Cocoonjs account so i am able to use the extensions.

  • Due to the lack of replies, I'm starting to think that this is a task not many in the world can successfully accomplish, let alone aid others in it.

    Not what i was hoping, but it is what it is.

  • Hey guys,

    I have spent countless days trying to learn how to implement these features into my game. Unfortunately, i have absolutely no java scripting skills which makes this task evidently more difficult for me. Can anyone be so kind and show me how to add these features with CocoonJS? I have a premium account with them already and can use the extensions.

    Thank you very much for reading this and taking the time to help.

    EDIT: I only need to use the game center extension for the leader boards option (grab/send a score to/from friends list). I do not need multiplayer gaming.

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Member since 30 Mar, 2013

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