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  • Don't choose a random animation on start of layout. Set the animation frame in the same event as you set the sprite visible if you don't see it until that point. So your bottom event looks like if score >= to 2 set animation frame to choose(0,1,2,3,4) and then set visible.

    Yep I've tried that:

    Global number Sprite01 = 0


    System > Score = 2 > Sprite01 > set animation frame to choose(0,1,2,3,4)

    System > Score = 2 > Sprite01 > Set Visible

    ...but the sprite just displays and rapidly scrolls through all the frames.

  • Ah, hang on - I've spotted a problem.

    The animation frame is chosen and displayed after the score goes above 2 (score > 2) and then the layout resets.

    But when the layout restarts, the chosen frame is then replaced by another random chosen frame, rather than the frame that was previously chosen.

    How do I get it so whatever random frame that is chosen remains chosen the next time the layout is reset?


    Global number Sprite01 = 0

    System > On start of layout > Sprite01 > set animation frame to choose(0,1,2,3,4)

    Events happen that reset the layout...

    System > Score = 2 > Sprite01 > Set Visible


    I need to save the selected animation frame for the next layout, similar to how the score is added to at the end of one layout and recalled at the beginning of the next.

  • Excellent!

    Thank you

  • I have a sprite (Sprite01) with 5 animation layers (0 - 4).

    I want to display a random frame from this sprite when an event is triggered.

    On the Events sheet I've got:

    Global number Sprite01 = 0

    System > On Start of Layout > Sprite01 > Set animation frame to 0

    What do I type to set animation frame to random, or is there a better way to do this?


  • Hi all, is it possible for Construct 3 to access Facebook contacts so a player can select a contact and (for example) import their name or other details into the game?


  • OK, what am i doing wrong here?

    I thought this was correct, but all this action does is colour AnswerPanelYes/AnswerPanelNo with a greyed out red colour.

    Neither the green or red from the effects panel replace the original grey colour (34, 34, 34)

    Can anyone help with this?

    Is ReplaceColor even the right/wrong effect to use in this situation?

  • Can someone let me know what i'm meant to type into these boxes?

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  • But isn't that what I already had? ---

    Touch > On touched > ButtonYes > AnswerPanelYes > Enable effect"ReplaceColorGreen"

    With "Enable effect"ReplaceColorGreen"" being the parameter? Or is the parameter something I set elsewhere that references "ReplaceColorGreen"?

  • Would that be two effects? One stacked inside under the other?

    Or is it a single line of event and actions?

  • I have a white sprite that needs to change colour depending on certain outcomes.

    For the sprite in the layout view I've creates three effects - ReplaceColor, ReplaceColorGreen, ReplaceColorRed.

    How do I activate these in the events sheet?

    I thought it would be as simple as:

    Touch > On touched > ButtonYes > AnswerPanelYes > Enable effect"ReplaceColorGreen"

    But that does nothing.

  • Actually, not quite sorted.

    Is it possible to show a countdown to 2 decimal places?

    ie rather than 3 seconds to go, it displays 3.00 and the incrementals between?

  • Sorted it

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