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  • First off, rather than using Test mode, have you tried implementing your event sheet using the Google Sample Banner IDs:



    These sample IDs always show test banners for me - replace all of your current add IDs with these sample versions then see if the sample banners appear for you.

    If the sample banners load then you know there's nothing wrong with your event sheet layout but maybe either with the plugin itself (I think it's still undergoing maintenance) or perhaps AdMob doesn't have enough banners to display for you at this time.

    I manage to get the live banners working fine on Android, but very sporadically on iOS - sometimes they show, sometimes they don't. Interstitials always show 100% on both platforms. So perhaps the issue may be solely with banners on iOS, although others on the forums say they've no problems at all getting banners to display on iOS.

    It also may be an issue with the privacy/location settings on your test device - you may want to test on other devices to see if the banners load on them.

  • I've got a couple of errors when uploading to the Apple App Store via Xcode. The issue regarding the App Store icon I've fixed, but can anyone help with the other two issues?

    The Description length - is this the description in the Project Properties in Construct or the app's description in iTunes Connect?

    And the bundle number - where do I change this? In Construct or iTunes Connect, plus what do I change it to?

    Thanks all :)

  • Well the GDPR Consent madness continues...

    I've created a small project that tests which platform (iOS/Android) you're viewing it on and displays the relevant ads for that platform. iOS automatically configures correctly, Android fails to configure until a button is pressed telling it to configure.

    So far, the consent form automatically appears on iOS startup and gives the following options:

    1. See relevant ads
    2. See non-relevant ads
    3. No ad-free option as this is turned off

    The Android version is set up exactly the same and gives the following options:

    1. No option to see relevant/non-relevant ads - just a message saying its displaying non relevant ads.

    The iOS version although it configures and asks if I want relevant ads it very, very rarely actually loads banner or interstitial ads and when it does they're not relevant (adverts for gun shows in the US etc).

    The Android version doesn't give me the option to select relevant ads, just non-relevant ads - BUT it does always load banner and interstitial ads plus they're relevant ads (ads for my local colleges and the theatre in my home town).

    Ashley, Nepeo I still think there's a fair way to go on this plugin as the iOS version doesn't like loading banners plus there doesn't seem to be any logic or consistency as to what it displays in the final project from platform to platform.

  • ...the consent dialog will not show either if you are in the EU

    Just to weigh in on this - the consent dialogue DOES appear if you’re in the EU, at least it does for me. I have Is Configured on my splash screen and the consent dialogue appears every time I start up the game regardless of whether I’ve already accepted it earlier.

    This works for me in regards to getting the Consent Form to pop up:

    Going to try your work around for ads that don’t load now.

  • > I’m in the UK and the consent dialogue box always comes up, but the banner and interstitials display sporadically - sometimes they decide to show, sometimes they don’t.

    sounds like the plugin is working, but the fill rate isn't 100%.

    But wouldn’t I’d have the same results on the Android version where both banners and interstitials always show? Or are fill rates for iOS and Android different?

  • I’m in the UK and the consent dialogue box always comes up, but the banner and interstitials display sporadically - sometimes they decide to show, sometimes they don’t.

  • I’ve just added a suggestion to include graphical elements in the social share plugin.

    Give it an upvote if you think it would be a useful addition.

    Thanks all :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I might be wrong but it’s possible that C3 has BBcode functionality built in now. Can you remove that functionality from your C2 project and save then try to open it in C3 and add the functionality back in in C3 if you need to?

  • While I understand people wanting to just be able to type a few things in a text box a viola you have a GDPR compliance thing pop up, I'm at a bit of a loss as to how anyone is stuck or hasn't been able to release their game solely because of this issue.

    1. Create new layout

    2. Add HAS_SEEN_GDPR variable, checkbox and ok button

    3. Add links to your privacy policy and terms of service

    4. Show layout to user the 1st time they play your game and ask for consent

    5. Profit?????

    Given there is a problem with the official Admob plugin right now, but once that is fixed, if the GDPR thing isn't working just make your own people.

    But how do we add adverts to the project without using the MobileAdvert plugin?

  • Can anyone let me know the correct size etc to display fullscreen without black bars on the iPhoneX?

    I've currently got:

    Viewport size: 2160 x 4677

    Viewport fit: Auto

    Fullscreen mode: Scale inner

    The bottom of the screen is full but the top of the screen still has the black bar.

    Thanks all :)

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