> > Side scrolling or top down? Either way, just add a random amount of angle to each bullet when created after you've set it's target.
> >
> > So for example something like:
> >
> > Bullet is created >
> > Rotate 360 degrees to mouse.x, mouse.y
> > Set angle self.angle + random(-5,5)
> Oh, i almost forgot, thanks for the code buddy! And, i have a question about your code, why is necessary the rotate 360 degrees?
Angle of motion should work as well, does your bullet have movement? Can you post the relevant code section?
360 is necessary for that event because the parameter is the max degrees the object can rotate toward the object in a tick. So if you do 360 it can set the angle in a single tick.
Hmm i see, so, i'm gonna upload the code that i used, and, other code that i tried to see if something happens, but, none of these worked.
Link 1: imgur.com/a/2OTNVQO
Link 2: imgur.com/a/5IGXnLm