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  • TheRealDannyyy I noticed that when I use v0.29.0 and C2 R256 adding this arg


    Causes rendering problems and the steam overlay is not loading, I actually don't remember why I added this arg, it was from something I probably read here before, but I can't locate any reference to it in your original post.

    Do I need this for something?

  • Thanks, I'll wait.

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  • Can anyone tell me which NWjs version is the most stable and functional to use at this time?

    I'm still using 0.24.0, every time I'm thinking of upgrading I'm seeing posts about things that got broken, I don't have any issues with 0.24.0, but I do want to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

    Should I even upgrade or wait for 0.30.0 to come around?

  • You'll need to make all your inventory ui items/texts and whatnot global too, but it is better to just store the inventory data in an array or dictionary and draw it again on start of layout.

  • Make sure you're using 'for each' on your killing event.

    Also you can get the object count simply with an expression, enemies.count, this works for objects and families.

  • The official PIN behavior already stores the UID, you can access it as an expression like this


  • This plugin can diferentiate Left from Right shift, but I couldn't manage to detect if one is already down, when the other is pressed. Maybe you have more luck.


    Thanks man, I'll check it out.

  • Anyone got any creative ideas on how to overcome the following?

    I'm trying to get either of the shift keys onPress to register while the other one is down.


  • Ashley Thanks for the clarification, I was sure it was relative to the layout scale.

    So just to make sure, the only solution for me is to set all layers to 100% scale-rate and then set the scale manually in the run-time (higher scale for lower scale-rate layers)?

    Basically I want the main layer to be 100%, and the background (layers) are ranging from 100% or 150% for different depths, I used lower scale-rate to achieve this when I used a fixed layout scale and canvas size.

  • Ashley

    I tried it now and still, once I change the layer scale rate of one of the layers, it shows up differently in each layout scale.

  • So if I disable bounded scrolling and limit the scrolling manually to the layout (using the main layer as reference) it should work?

    I will play around with it.

  • Problem Description

    Issue with canvas resizing and layer scale rate

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Changing window/canvas size and scaling the layout while using low quality scaling for resolution selection.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Click the screen to change window/canvas size and layout scale, objects are aligned correctly on all canvas sizes.
    • In the editor, change the scale rate of one of the layers to say 70%.
    • Try again.

    Observed Result

    layers are only aligned when layout scale is 1, on other scales they're not aligned, it even affects the other layers with 100% scale rate.

    Expected Result

    Layers should keep the same position and size, regardless of layout scale.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10.0.15063 Build 15063

    Construct 2 Version ID


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Headbang Games

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