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  • Or otherwise, make the on object created trigger only after the image is loaded.

  • I remember this feature from when I worked with an old adventure game engine called wintermute.

    You had the on start of layout condition and also on before layout loads.

    Basically it means that the layout won't show until all the logic and objects created in that event are completely done.

    I wouldn't mind handling it myself, but for that I would need an on image load trigger.

    Image url loaded only works if you change the image, but if you create a new object that the image is not loaded into the memory, there is no way to tell when the image has finished loading.

    Currently I just wait like one second and hope it's all loaded (that really depends on the system speed).

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  • Yikes, that's manually adding dozens of objects to hundreds of layouts.

    Are there any thoughts or future plans to on before layout loads, or is it not feasible?

  • I'm not sure if it's a bug, or some new feature I'm missing that I should turn on or pay attention to.

    So, I moved one of my projects from C2 to C3 and I notice that objects I'm creating on start of layout appears after the layout is rendered to the screen.

    This was a small project and the delay was rather short.

    I moved another project, bigger one, with more objects created on the start of the layout and I get an even longer delay.

    This did not happen in C2, with the same project/layouts/events.

    Is there a way to make sure all objects are created on start of layout are fully loaded before the screen is rendered?


  • I use the official share plugin to show the "rate my app" dialogue when the user exit the game.

    Can I somehow detect if the user close the dialogue box or possibly if he choose "no" or "rate"?

    The plugin has conditions only for share complete and share fail, but not for rating (I tried, didn't work).

  • The only weird thing about this is that you are using a Tiled Background as an enemy. The Tiled Background is for a background, it doesn't have a collision box that you can edit.

    That's nonsense, it depends on the obstacle type, if full square collision is valid for the obstacle, then there's nothing wrong with checking collision with it.

    I use it to make stretching walls or lasers, lava and more...

  • Ashley

    If we're on the subject of small UX changes, maybe this one is also a bug, not sure.

    In C2 the project file name is shown in the window title bar.

    In C3 it doesn't appear anywhere, I actually had to save the project and go to see which file got updated to know which of the files I was working on.

    Later on I noticed that in the project bar you can see the filenames, but only if you got 2 projects running together, when it's just one, it shows the project name but no filename.

    Maybe show it in the project statistics.

  • Ashely That's great I'm glad you thought of it and it was just a bug!

    I'm currently on the stable branch, but I will check it out!

    newt I know it can be moved, and it's always on the screen for me, the problem is when you select an object you don't see the layout properties anymore, it changes to the object properties, so once you start moving object around you need to return the focus to the layout for changing the grid.

    Most of the layout proprieties are not used that often its mostly set it once and forget about it, but the grid, at least for, is used very very often.

    And again, I really don't mind the location of the grid control as much as what it takes to get there, if I could press alt+L to quickly show the layout properties, I would be fine with that.

  • In the current state if I move an object on a grid, then I want to give it a little offset, I need to go to the right, find the current active layout, click on it, go to the left, deactive the grid, click the object again, move it, go to the right, click on the layout again, turn on the grid.

    And again and again for each object.

    Either a keyboard shortcut for grid movement or a quick access to the grid (even keyboard shortcut that goes there) would save tons of clicking and time.

  • Great, thanks!!!

  • Ok, I see, so is there a way to move an object 1 px at a time when grid is on?

    New features are great, but I don't expect them to come over old useful ones.

    Maybe if you hold down control or with wasd, I don't mind hold extra buttons or getting used to new shortcuts, but the actual action was and still is very useful.

  • I really thought using C3 would be like C2 only better and with more options.

    But it seems that a lot of simple little important things are missing or were changed in a way that makes it more tedious to use.

    For example, why is the grid control is now only visible on the layout properties?

    I use different sizes of grid for aligning different sizes of objects, I turn it off and on fairly frequently, especially now that keyboard movement of objects is grid aligned and not px by px.

    Sometimes I even adjust or try different grids based on an object I'm moving, so trying 2-3 different grids for an object is nightmare now, way too many extra clicks.

    Another thing I noticed, if I search for something, then I click on one of the results and edit the event, once I close the event edit window the focus goes back to the search window and not staying on the eventsheet, so I cant to use keyboard shortcuts to move up/down to the next/previous action, if the user select to focus the eventsheet, the focus should remain there.

    I wish Scirra would focus more on making the UX as tight as possible, or at least as convenient as it used to be, rather than adding new features.

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Headbang Games

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