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  • And what about with an input (on touch), a button to set everything up as saved.

    Is that possible?

  • Ashley

    I have a setup of 3 monitors, and I use the other monitors with popups for almost all the windows of C3.

    Every time I start C3, any previously popped up window turns into a docked window and obviously doesn't keep size and position (both in chrome and NWjs).

    Is there some way to save my windows configuration?

    I wouldn't mind running a script of clicking an extra button to setup my workspace when I launch C3, but setting it up manually every time is a bit of a drag.

  • All the versions of C3 are url redirects, no package files are supplied with the NWjs version, just the package.json.

    I also had this issue many times before, but currently it works for me, don't know why (but it's not that the app was not cached before), maybe it's the latest NWjs that fixed it (v48).

    Are you using v48+?

  • Yeah I understand that, that's why I mentioned that once I'll have a c3p file that pins this issue I'll post it.

    I couldn't recreate it with a blank c3p file and just those plugins (audio browser gamepad), so it can be practically anything else (other plugins, events, images, sound files, I don't know) and I thought you might have any insight to point me in the right directions.

  • I did it in my game on construct 2 and now in 3.

    I took it even further, besides the main rhythm tracks, each object has it's own sample that plays in different rates(pitch) and the movement and sfx are synced to the music track.

    Also the tempo changes based on your location.

    And it's all DT based.

    I made a counter for the timing and function that syncs everything to that timer.

    All audio are initially played together and the volume/pitch/tempo changes based on events.

    It was quite a lot of work, but a fun thing to experiment with.

    P.S, I totally forgot, the drums here are also pretty cool, its samples of a kick, a snare and some cymbals, and the played patterned are all event based, I always wanted to add more drum fills, but never got to it.

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  • When I export my project to web (NWjs R212) with advance minify (simple and none works fine), and try to run it on my server, the project doesn't play any audio and the gamepad object is not working.

    I didn't test further, but there might be more official plugins with issues.

    When I get the time to stripe down my project and do some testing (takes forever to export), I'll submit a bug report with a c3p file.

    These are the error logs (they don't appear in simple/none) if it helps in the meanwhile.


  • When you right click on the event sheet, select Add, then Add script (with the JS icon).

    Then just paste the code there as it is.

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  • I just noticed that previewing in C3 NWjs window, doesn't register as a NWjs export on the platformInfo plugin, so that's probably why the fullscreen is not working either.

  • Fib will that script run successfully even if the user doesn't do an action? i.e. can you automatically make the game fullscreen?

    Just tested it, it works for exports, but it doesn't work when previewing (I'm working with the desktop NWjs version of C3).

  • OK so I'll import with r204-2 whenever I need to, is going to be available permanently?

  • It happens with C2 examples too, I tried Space Blaster Game (get stuck on 99.6%) and Ghost Shooter rain demo (get stuck on 99.5%).

  • Ashley

    OK, found out how to load previous versions.

    It seem to work on r204-2, so for now I imported it there and saved it for R210, but there's something wrong there you should really look into.

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