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  • Hi,

    I have already searched the solution to this problem but it is not working so i think of it as a bug in construct 2.

    I have used both the solutions ashley posted as solutions in other forums...

    [Integer letterbox scale + pixel rounding +point sampling] and

    [linear sampling + pixel rounding + low quality scaling]

    but the problem seems to continue....

    Reproduce -

    i am using a 9patch object for background and have enabled fx effect(water) for that layer, and

    i think it is the problem with effects as the water ripples are causing the seams, also

    i have another layout with water effect on layer with buttons on it and buttons are getting little pixelated on edges when water ripple comes

    not visible in preview but after export with cocoon webview+ in apk it is visible on mobile device.

    These images will explain all...

    I dont know if it is really a bug or it can be solved? it has been two weeks & i cannot find a solution,please help!!!

    PS: I think effects are also causing huge lag in the game despite i used them wisely (in limited amount) Pleasee help!!!!

  • Hi gumshoe2029 thank you for replying....

    First of all i played the game with myself, ie. not on opposite sides of world, both devices were in same room with a good internet connection still it was laggy for the peer, i dont know how to compensate lag ,i tried the tutorial but can't understand the compensation thing , so if anyone can help me understand that please do help!

    Second of all ,all i asked is if we can use google play multiplayer api in construct 2 or not, as it is very lag free and easy!

    Thank you

  • Hi, zenox98

    Yes my chrome is using ...webgl - hardware accelerated & webgl2 - hardware accelerated

    what to do about this, how is this related to the issue?

  • Hi gumshoe2029 ,

    I am trying to make a one on one multiplayer challenge real-time game with multiplayer, can be explained like two players playing flappy birds on same screen but with their separate players and scores (kinda split screens)....

    but multiplayer object of construct 2 is laggy,so was wondering to use google multiplayer api in construct 2 , any ideas if that's even possible or not?

    HI Xh3maa

    Yes it is free

  • Thank Gigatron for replying

    but the problem was with fx effects not supported by the chrome browser,....worked with firefox!

    Man... almost two month late: thank you

  • Ashley could you please help me here???

  • Thanks and sorry for posting in bugs forum!

  • Hi guys,

    May be i am not doing this right, but...

    I created a sprite

    Assigned it fx seascape

    and run

    Its showing white screen???

    Any help please please...

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  • 1- you must pay much money for Photon. and also Websocket isn't as fast as peer-to-peer connection .

    So for these reasons , i think multiplayer object is a better choose .

    2- Yes , they're working fine with canvas +

    Thank you very much for your help, i will stick with multiplayer object then and use webview+ export!

  • You can also use Photon or Websocket . But why u want to export with canvas + ?

    Just for have smaller apk size ?

    Web view + has better performance than canvas + .

    Thanks for replying!

    I don't have a problem with size, but performance is better on canvas+, also it provides ad support and share support, that's why my priority was canvas+

    But now i have to go for webview+ , but just wanted to clear a few things here...

    1>> the photon and websocket you reffered to, are these easier and better than multiplayer object of construct 2?

    2>>Will these work with canvas+ or they also use webRTC??

  • Hi .

    Canvas + doesn't support WebRTC connection . You should try Web view or Intel Xdk .

    Hello there...

    Thanks for replying, do you know any alternative way to make multiplayer games with construct 2 ,especially may be with Google Play Multiplayer API???

    Thank you

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