Shubi's Recent Forum Activity

  • Accepting or rejecting is team's decision, Voting is all we can do. I don't think they had created the platform in the first place if they did not wanted our ideas. Yes i have seen comments ruling out ideas before and yes some of those rulings could be faulty. Yes, there focus is on animate right now. But its not like they don't add ease of development features already, i just saw "Debug Search Box" added in r294, and it was a suggestion on the platform. Its just not on their first priority.

    The bottom line is that there is a platform to help scirra understand our needs in a prioritized manner, so i see hope in that, provided there are enough votes to send the message. If you like any of these ideas to be added, i suggest simply vote for it and see what happens instead of losing hope.

  • Vote for Construct 3 Ease of Development

    No doubt, a lot has improved since C2. Just as it was too much work to find object references in C2 which is now possible with one click in C3. A lot of basic functionalities has been added in C3 over last year. Thanks Scirra Team for all that.

    But still there are situations where it feels like wasting more time than required to achieve a simple result. This not only impacts developer's efficiency, but impacts the flow of creativity. As Construct is preferred more by creators due of its simplistic coding, it is important for it to be simple enough to paint the vision.

    There is a platform to suggest and prioritize ideas for C3 There are several ease of develpoment ideas here, whic can make C3 a lot effective and easier to handle, but many of them has been neglected so far due to low votes. Here is a list of such ideas collected from the platform with their links (Feedbacks and new ideas are most welcomed). If you relate to them, then please vote for them, instead of voting for new complex features. Remember that new features are exciting, but you can only utilize them, when you are not struggling with the basic game development. These ideas can benefit the majority of developers. Cheers!


    Organizable Project Item Tabs | Layouts, E.S, Objects, Families, Variables, Music etc.

    Hard to navigate through project bar list for a large game. Can be solved by simple tabs like Layouts, Event Sheets, Objects, Families, Plugins, Variables, Music, Files etc...

    L Shape Debugger

    Debugger divides the screen horizontally in half which wastes screen area on sides and require a lot of scrolling to see things, which does not work well...

    Merge the same behavior

    More than one of the same behaviors(Timer, Tween...), it creates long list in the actions popup. Merging them. Adding an option to choose which behavior...

    Drop down file selection menu for arrays and dictionaries | Just like functions are no longer a plugin, arrays and dictionaries should not be plugins either. They should be standard data types that can easily be stored in variables, send in functions, etc...

    Hierarchy View

    Allow to create hierarchy relationship directly by drag and dropping objects under/on top of each other in this dedicated view. On top of a lot of new QOL stuff it would allow, to efficiently find and select instances of the current Layout...

    Auto collapse hidden layers in Z Order bar

    Layers in the z-order bar automatically collapsed if the layer is a) hidden, b) locked, or c) faded out by the "Show translucent inactive layers" option...


    Search with Keywords

    Current search for event editor is not able to find events accurately. It's very limited as it requires an exact string match, making it almost impossible to find what you want most of the time...

    Find All References from Event or Instance

    Option of find all reference to an object by right click on an event using it or from an instance on layout. Similar should be for a signal / function / group / variable used in an event...

    Find On Layout | On Selected Layer

    On find, we get instances on a layout. When clicked, they all get selected. Selecting only the objects on current layer...

    Go To | Signal / Variable / Event Group / Layout / Object Mentioned in Event

    Currently you right click on a function event and there is option to "go to function". This option is missing for Signals, Variables, Event Groups, Layouts or an Object mentioned in an event...

    Global Variables In Project Tab Folder (Just like objects, layouts, event sheets)

    Global Variables on event sheet cannot be put in a group to collapse. Should be in the Project Tab, to be more accessible and Folder, subfolders are better organized ...

    Variable Folders + directly add/edit Variables from Property View

    Instance Variable workflow is really tedious when number of variables is large or when we want to edit Family variables of a selected Object Kind...

    Missing Pieces

    Editor Zooming Input

    A manual zoom input or when changing the zoom with the mouse and Ctrl...

    Track Undo/Redo

    Undo/redo is difficult to track where it affects. Clickable link/button maybe in notifications to move to the sheet/layout change...

    Copy/Paste Event With Everything Linked to it

    Copy events and paste in other project, there is always a missing plugin or variable or something linked to it. Pasting events with all functions/plugins/objects/ variables it requires...

    Debugger Stats for All Plugins / Behaviors / Effects Used

    Many statistics are not available in it like tween, effects, plugins. This leaves developer with trial and error method which is unnecessarily time consuming...

    Cancel Build | Multiple Builds

    No way of stopping the build mid-way. Have to wait until the build completes before starting new. A simple cancelling option, or having multiple builds...

    Delete Saved Game

    While testing, you need to test fresh game sometimes. Currently there is no way of deleting the saved game. Adding it in debugger could ease testing...

    Reset instance variables

    Add 'Reset instance variables' action to reset the initial state of an instance. A dropdown option, initial or template. If the object already has a template, restore the variable back to the template object...

    Toggle option to system layers action

    No need to write: if True :Set False else Set True. ‘toggle’ option should be support system layers action...

    Children should be able to inherit Opacity from the parent.

    Every time opacity changes in a parent, one must find its children and only then apply the same opacity to every member...

    Shortcut to Move in Z Axis

    It would be very useful if you have a shortcut to move on the z axis. Example: I hold z and drag the sprite and it changes the z value...

    ***Add "Is Effect Enabled" condition |***Added In r299|

    Now that we have a universal Enabled checkbox for all effects (thanks for adding it!), Adding "Is Effect Enabled" condition to all objects...

    Additional Features

    Group of Diverse Objects | Family of Different Object Types

    Families are created of similar object types. If different set of objects need a common plugin or common event. Groups of diverse objects...

    3D Camera Viewport

    An additional and optional viewport window, that gives us full 3D camera controls. So not within the editor viewport!...

    Multiplayer: Sync Interest Management

    While the multiplayer "sync" actions, allow for easy multiplayer setups, the lack of interest management makes it a NO-GO for almost any project...

    Family Inheritance

    Instead of implementing actual inheritance, it could just supports perfect syncing of Members between a Parent Family and its Child Family...

    Hierarchy | Child Anchored to Parent

    Anchor Position/Size of Child Objects to their Parent would allow to create complex auto-layout UI, supporting all aspect ratio and so on...

    Quality of Life suggestion list (QOL and features)

    A List of QOL things I wish Construct would have in my daily use of this Engine.(They need to be added separately in order to be considered by C3 Team)...

    Please feel free to suggest more ideas. If you see any of the above as essential, please vote for them by following their link.

    Thank you.

  • Got it. Thank you for the info.

  • Hi,

    I have added Share Plugin's "Request App Rating" on a button clicked on several games. After publishing, i checked and none of those button was working on any of the apps. It worked in one app once and then today that too is not working.

    One possible reason could be that i have already rated from my account before. Another could be a limit on asking for ratings. But i am not sure about the issue. I could not find similar posts on the forum, so am i missing something obvious here? Please help.

  • we started technical research work last summer, and work has continued in the background right up until the beta announcement. I am not aware of anyone who complained during that time that our usual rate of work had slowed down, and I expect us to keep going as we have been.

    You did not asked the opinions before.

    Scirra team has worked hard in past years and no one wants to be unsupportive here. The development has been slow, and there has been complaints about it and excuses of scirra being a small team were given as well. I personally thought it was scirra's best level of progress and made my peace with it. But if you had asked feedbacks, i am sure the popular opinion would be to speed up C3 improvements instead of developing new ventures.

    Again, it is not a complaint, but if you ask for feedback, this is it. If you are already set on this development timeline, then you may have wanted to ask for feature ideas and not just a feedback here. So there might had been a confusion. Anyways, good luck for the animate.

  • Animator should be a part of Construct 3. It would be wrong to charge separately for something that could be a simple feature addition to C3 image editor. If you like to diversify your income, you should sell it as a different software with just the animation function, for animators.

    Also it is told as an excuse that scirra works with a small team. I think there should be more developers included into this, as C3 still needs a dedicated team. I just exported a game, it failed, and in the log, it just says "Error".

    Whenever i open a project after month, there is something or other to fix. it could be a plugin no longer supported, or new features affecting the old setup. A whole lot of developer's time gets wasted, guessing what went wrong? Sometimes it gets too overwhelming making simple changes.

    I think there is still much work needed on ease of using the product. In a construct video ashley said something like Construct having a deceptively simple interface. It is, but deception does not go away even to familiar developers. It still needs much more cleaning.

    I am not saying, scirra should not grow, but if you do, please make sure you have dedicated time for C3. I would recommend even more time than before, because now more than ever, game dreamers rely on C3.

  • Just opt for "Match Account level Settings" option shown in the screenshot you attached (top right). and your game will be fine.

    Family policy has been of the most annoying one to keep up with, so it might reject your app based on some other reasons as well. If your game's targeted for it, then i would recommend reading their guidelines. Good luck.

  • Hi,

    Currently i see no way of knowing if player opted for "Yes" or "No" in ask for rating feature in Share plugin.

    Reason for asking is bcoz if i don't know what player chose, how do i code for whether to request the rating again or not.

    Am i missing something here, or is there a workaround for this?

  • Thanks to all. The last one worked!

  • Still facing the issue in nw.js , couldn't find a way to clear the cache (as the issue might be due to a 3rd party plugin)

    Any solutions?

  • Thanks Sofa_King for sharing the experience, definitely its helpful when followed correctly. Although the issue comes at investing in marketing, could you provide any example of such customer interactive spaces online. This is because i have tried doing this with facebook pages dedicated to gaming, but the participants are mostly game developers there. For a casual game like the one in this post, i don't know any such interactive space to showcase and build an audience.

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