RBuster's Recent Forum Activity

  • I indicate you to use the Crosswalk through the XDK Intel. I have used regularly and am very pleased with the results. The only problem is the final size of the application, however, the process is simple and fast, does not have Intel logos or any other brand, have no problems with plugins (at least yet) and the applications behave very well in Android devices. The issue of audio problem is not general. Give it a try.

  • I have used Crosswalk regularly to create apks and I'm very pleased with the results. In contact with the support team of XDK / intel, I discovered that I can also use it to create applications for iOS using the exported files to HTML5 from Construct 2. I have not tested yet and I would like to know if anyone has used the XDK for this and if have any difference between an ipa created with CocoonJS and XDK. Thanks.

  • themacvictror

    Summarizing, the procedures are the same. The error that appears is that the console is not finding an index.html or have nothing to run. The fact that I'm using a PC to generate the files and android with coocon to view the ios application can be a problem? From what I saw in the Ludei site, I'll need a Mac to generate ipa. What would be the minimum configuration of a mini mac/os to use exclusively for that? Thanks.

  • The procedures that I did:

    • I exported the game to CocoonJS in Construct2 (PC)
    • Includes all the data in the Ludei site and created a custom launcher to Apple Store
    • I uploaded the zip file to my website.
    • I installed CocoonJS launcher on my phone with android 4.4.2 and loaded the zip file with canvas 2d

    I repeated the same process with compiled for iOS to try to see through the cocoon launcher on my android.

    Then I tried to view the compiled into an ipad through CocoonJS launcher and happened the same problem.

  • themacvictror

    This happens with all games for iphone was converted with CocoonJS. These games have been tested and html5 and apk (android) and everything worked perfectly. I followed the tutorial for exporting to CocoonJS but must be missing something.

  • themacvictror

    The error message that appears on the console is:

    Cannot open the html file "http://www.........". The server responded with status 404 (NOT_FOUND)

    Get resources "http://www.........". The server responded with status 404 (NOT_FOUND)

    What I may have forgotten or be doing wrong?


  • themacvictror

    I follow your instruction and include the file in the folder cocoon, but when I click, the system unzip the file and then the screen goes black, showing only fps. It's happens with all games. Do you know what the problem is?

  • Thanks for reply, themacvictror

    I need to use iTunes on my iPad or iPhone to manage the zip file or can I use a file manager to do this? I installed CooconJS on iPad. Thanks.

  • I need to install the game generated in CocoonJS on the iPhone . Can I do this as the Android (copying the apk and installing from a file manager) or only through AppleStore? I'd like a simpler and faster procedure. Thanks.

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  • RenatoB: about audio problem, it seems the audio can work well except that the volume can't be changed. Actually the system volume is changed. Could you please share more details with us?

    For other problems, we're investigating them.

    by the way, I don't have the permission to send PM to you.

    I appreciate your concern. I´m in contact directly with Xingnan and I hope we can resolve these issues. Thanks.

  • Now it's clear to me (sorry for my limitation). Thanks.

  • dropbox.com/s/imo7cqzbicwrn25/drag%20and%20drop%20limit%20area.capx

    Hi RamPackWobble,

    Thanks for help, but I did not quite understand the example. I tested and the square (red one) is leaving the area when I drag it, although not entirely. What I have to do to make the square does not exceed the limits of the area (spSpriteArea)?

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