RBuster's Recent Forum Activity

  • You make sure to use the fixed stepping mode for Physics and sending the same movements should replicate the right results on each device

    what is this "fixed stepping mode"?

  • I would like to create a multiplayer physics turn-based game (like tank game that involves strength control + wind control) to my school and I am a little lost about it. I already create a simple multiplayer game, like quiz, but I believe this game is much more complex. I am wondering if someone can help me, giving some instructions or suggestions, or pointing me a specific tutorial (or a similar one).


  • Is it possible to create a game like Forge of Empires using Construct 3?

    - If so, where are the greatest difficulties?

    - If not, for which reason it is not possible to use C3 for this.


  • Thanks, kidswithcrowns

    Could someone please help me by answering my other question?

  • To your first question, you can use Scirra's signalling server. If you want to have a dedicated host for the game, you simply need to keep a session running

    It's a bit confusing for me. Do I need a dedicated server to have a multiplayer game running? I am assuming this is not the regular host where I host my website, for example. If so, I can host the game and still use the Scirra's signaling server for free?

  • A friend of mine is hiring me to develop a simple multiplayer game and I am wondering if I am able to accept it.

    I've two concerns:

    - Server: can I use the Scirra's multiplayer server for this? If not, what server can I use? A free one if it's possible.

    - Extra features: the game would have disputes between players and he would like to offer a system of selling credits for the players to use in these disputes (an example: two players enter the game and the credit is deducted from each one and the player winning the dispute takes all the credits.) I believe that this is a system apart and I do not understand how it does. If anyone does, could I integrate this system into the game later? if so, in what way could it be?


  • Hi dop2000

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I decided to use this solution:

    + AJAX: On "questions" completed

    -> System: Set totalQuestions to tokenat(AJAX.LastData,0,"|")

    -> questionsArray: Set size to (totalQuestions+1, 1, 1)

    -> questionsArrayTemp: Set size to (totalQuestions+1, 1, 1)

    ----+ System: controlRandom = 0

    --------+ System: For "For Each Questions Set" from 0 to questionsArray.Width

    ---------> questionsArray: Set value at i to tokenat(AJAX.LastData,i,"|")

    ---------> System: Add 1 to i

    ----+ System: Else

    --------+ System: For "For Each Questions Set" from 0 to questionsArrayTemp.Width

    ---------> questionsArrayTemp: Set value at i to tokenat(AJAX.LastData,i,"|")

    ---------> System: Add 1 to i

    --------+ System: Repeat questionsArray.Width times

    ---------> System: Set iTemp to int(random(1, questionsArrayTemp.Width))

    ---------> questionsArray: Set value at LoopIndex+1 to questionsArrayTemp.At(iTemp)

    ---------> questionsArrayTemp: Delete index iTemp from X axis

    And it worked very well. I just don't understand why the other solution generated so weird results. But this is not a problem.

  • This code should populate an array with random values that were loaded from a text file, without repetition. But instead of this, some values are appearing in more than one index. Could someone help me to find the problem in this code?

    + AJAX: On "questions" completed

    -> System: Set totalQuestions to tokenat(AJAX.LastData,0,"|")

    -> questionsArray: Set size to (totalQuestions+1, 1, 1)

    -> questionsArrayTemp: Set size to (totalQuestions+1, 1, 1)

    ----+ System: controlRandom = 0

    --------+ System: For "For Each Questions Set" from 0 to questionsArrayWidth

    ---------> questionsArray: Set value at i to tokenat(AJAX.LastData,i,"|")

    ---------> System: Add 1 to i

    ----+ System: Else

    --------+ System: Repeat questionsArrayTemp.Width times

    ---------> questionsArrayTemp: Set value at LoopIndex to LoopIndex

    --------+ System: Repeat questionsArray.Width times

    ---------> System: Set i to (floor(random(questionsArrayTemp.Width)))+1

    ---------> questionsArray: Set value at LoopIndex to tokenat(AJAX.LastData,i,"|")

    ---------> questionsArrayTemp: Delete index i from X axis

  • Capital 'i' is in two places somehow - in the same '5' section and in [13,"ADFIOQRT"]. Sorry, I have no explanation for this, other than I expect the first I is supposed to be lowercase.

    No problem. I included this character in the same section I found the other issue.

    Don't worry about this. This application continues to be very useful and I just have to thank you.

  • Someone else had this issue. Somehow during the copy and paste an escape backslash is lost for the backslash character! If you bring up the actual dialog for the spacing data, you'll see the [5,"I()\"] section is missing a backslash. Just type it back in and it all works: [5,"I()\\"]

    It's not clear to who's at fault here - C3, the browser, copy/paste, the text editor used to open the file. It's definitely odd.

    This part of the code was okay for me. The array code is exactly as appears in the txt/xml file:


    [6," "],[3,",'"],[4,".|`´"],[5,";:"],[6,"\""],[5,"I()\\"],[6,"clt?!~"],[7,"er1-"],[8,"josvz[]"],[9,"bfgpquxy89"],[10,"Sahk34567/"],[11,"CEGn"],[12,"BHJKPd02"],[13,"ADFIOQRT"],[14,"LNXw"],[15,"V"],[16,"UYZm_"],[18,"M"],[22,"W"]]

    I did not find de "i" character in this array code. Is it right?

    EDITED - I found the error: I had two slashes on [6,"\""]. But I still have the problem with the "i" missing.

  • Hi blackhornet

    How are you?

    I am using the Sprite Font Generator (last version) to create a sprite font to use in C3. After I generated it I copy/paste the information in the script created specifically to C3 sprite font (spacing data field) but the space around the characters is not changing and I don't know why.

    For example: I created a sprite font and I pasted this script into the spacing data field;


    [6," "],[3,",'"],[4,".|`´"],[5,";:"],[6,"\""],[5,"I()\\"],[6,"clt?!~"],[7,"er1-"],[8,"josvz[]"],[9,"bfgpquxy89"],[10,"Sahk34567/"],[11,"CEGn"],[12,"BHJKPd02"],[13,"ADFIOQRT"],[14,"LNXw"],[15,"V"],[16,"UYZm_"],[18,"M"],[22,"W"]]

    Nothing happened. I changed these values several times and even remove totally this script from the field and everything remains the same.

    If I change the "character spacing" value, it reduces the space around the characters but although this solves the problem of the most characters, others practically merge with the others.

    What am I doing wrong?

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