GamerAddi8t's Recent Forum Activity

  • Darn I missed it, thought the redeem code was on the product page so I spent thirty mins looking for it lmao,

  • video plugin. It's pretty dang easy.

  • ahem SoNiC

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I agree with Ashley there's already chowdren. Considering on how long it's been since people started wanting this I don't think we'll have some "Nintendo switch plugin" (if that's how it works) like the "Xbox plugin" for a looooong time or never

  • Just something simple

    Let's say "Time Survived:X/Secs"

    To do that Create a global variable name it "Time"

    Every 1.0 second-Add 1 to "Time"

    Or for every min

    Every 60 sec-Add 1 to "Time"

    Hope that helps

  • My newest devlog is out! Let me know what you think.

  • Survival To The End is out now!

    My game has been in development for the past month now. This is a demo release, full release will have 2 more maps and updated menu screens See development. This release is for feedback on my game which can be provided on my page, Twitter, or discord On full release my game will be priced at 3 or 4 dollars. I plan the full release in the next 1 to 2 months from now. Please do leave some feedback on the game all is appreciated. Have a nice day!

  • Just WOW. Safe to say this is the best game I'VE seen in construct 2. You should live stream your development it'd be great for publicity for your game. No critque's for me. Have fun developing it.

  • Using Construct 2 the most and Construct 3 casually. But I've moved to Unity since 2017 and rarely use Construct these days.

    Hey I was wondering if you have used a plugin called play maker for unity and if you have how was your experience with it? I really want to try it out as it looks really interesting.

    This can help me understand this business model:

    Other companies in the past, e.g. in the 90s, did a waterfall style model where they released updates every year or so, incremented the version number, boxed it up, sent it to the shop shelves (who does that any more?) and sold it all over again. In this day and age, and particularly with browser-based software, this is out of date. Besides, you still end up with the "I have to pay again" complaints. This is also exactly what I anticipated:

    Thank you.

    With suspicions I'm afraid you're wrong, well ... how should I then ask the question so you do not suspect bad intentions?

    If you have that suspicion then it seems good to leave it here, I do not want to go down that road although I see no problem in which you contribute your arguments to defend the subscription business model, even when you do not like the questions because, as I said before, now I can understand something better.

    They lose money if people don't buy it for a straight year. Is my quick response.

  • "but if I run into a bug with Construct 2, it will not get fixed for ages."


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Member since 4 Nov, 2016

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