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  • You can use Sprite.Sine.CyclePosition expression.

    For example, for horizontal movement:

    > Sprite.Sine.CyclePosition is between 0.25 and 0.75 -> Sprite set animation "Left"
    Else -> Sprite set animation "Right"

    I also recommend LiteTween addon (instead of Sine), you can make much nicer looking movements with it. And it has events like "LiteTween on end", which you can use to pause your enemy.

    How would I add the addon to construct 2?

  • I have this enemy that has a sine behavior and I have animations for when they go left and right. I wanna know how to set their animations For when they go left then go right. Also how would I pause a enemy To stop then continue after a few seconds.

  • Here is a little demo I made for another post:

    How did u add the local variable?

  • So I have this explosive mine and I want it to beep as the player gets closer to it

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  • Oh, I read it wrong - "How do I shrink the scroll to behavior screen size" :)

    You need to use a different "camera" object for Scroll To behavior (remove it from the character). Normally the camera will follow your character, but when you don't want players to see past some area, you need to stop the camera at some distance from it.

    For example, to enable scrolling only between 1000 and 5000px:

    On every tick -> Camera set X to clamp(character.X, 1000, 5000)

    Could u make a fast project showing a example its ok if u don't want to just let me know

  • shrink the scroll?

    behavior screen size?

    What the hell does it all mean? :)

    Ummm U know the screen right?? When the player moves with the scroll to behavior I want to know how to shrink the amount of area the player can see from the beginning.(Just thought of this) and also make them not see past areas I dont want them to see.

  • Read the Subject

  • It's an effect, not a plugin.

    Do u know how to create this effect

  • have you tried googling?? Took me 5 seconds to find.

    No The plugin where u can download it I already found that

  • It's done using shadows. See this post for a collection of different 3D effects you can do in Construct:

    Could u provide a Link to the plugin called 2.5D platformer I could not find it

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